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Lilac Crowned Amazon


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Yesterday I was riding around looking for some toys for Rene and the rest of the bunch, and we stopped in at one in NH (used to be the largest in NH but not anymore) we walked in and were shocked!! shelves basically empty, young kids walking around, the place smelled like a barn little did we know they have some pigmy goats lol that emplains the smell, well anyway my favorite area is the bird room, where they usually have a bunch of rescues that they worked with and also they did some breeding of their own so there was always babies etc. Theres only a few birds and these birds just dont look healthy. They have had a Moluccan Too he was very pink and in gorgeous feather the last time I saw him now his whole front is naked and the feathers in the back and on wings look as thugh he has been chewing on them too :( :mad: Well anyway to get to my point.. out in the main area they had in a bottom cage a Lilac Crowned Zon and she was BEAUTIFUL!! (I loved the post the JayD had done and started looking into them more I never thought I would be a "zon" person lol anyway!! She was very happy to be handled was almost purring at my fingers in her cage it was too cute, so I looked at the "price" board and she is 30% off and still young 1-2 yrs old!!! oohh It broke my heart to not have to finances to bring her home :( I called my credit cards to get balances I called the bank.. I called friends.. and to no avail the money just isn't there :( So lol donations LMAO!!

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Aww Bonnie I wish I had the money to give you for that bird for I feel like you would have given it a good home, you more than likely won't get another chance to get one of those lilac crowned amazons, I remember the post about that particular variety of amazon and I think it is one of my favorites of the zons.

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Thanks guys.. LoL I wouldn't be able to take any money from anyone here,thats just me trying to be funny hahaha it would be better spent on our wonderful greys :) I really wish I knew what was going on about that store, the last year or so it has gone waaaayyy down hill.. and the animals are the only ones suffering....

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I had thought about calling and reporting them, but by the looks of things and the fact that they have NO inventory, and aren't offering to order for you anymore I honestly don't believe they will be open another month, all the birds had plenty of food and water, cages were clean and someone was bringing out a tray of fresh veggies.. So with that said I will go up again in a couple weeks and see whats going on. Online the reviews are horrible but those are all from the last couple of months and nothing mentioned about the birds except the lack of them.

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Maybe you can talk to the owner about a payment plan? If the store is hurting for sales the owner might go for it! The bird sounds adorable! I am pretty sure I would be searching all my friends' sofa cushions trying to find a little down payment <G>.

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I will give them a call on Tuesday when they re-open I never even thought of a payment plan!! I really think she needs out of there before she ends up being bought by someone who has NO IDEA what they are getting into just because she is pretty and at a cheap price! Thanks!!

Maybe you can talk to the owner about a payment plan? If the store is hurting for sales the owner might go for it! The bird sounds adorable! I am pretty sure I would be searching all my friends' sofa cushions trying to find a little down payment <G>.
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I agree with Chezron - if the store is closing they will need to find homes for all their birds! Keep in very very close contact with them - if this is the case, you don't want to miss your chance! And there's no harm in asking about a payment plan - don't regret not asking - you never know! I think it was Mark Twain who said "In twenty years you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did do."

I too think this is one of the most beautiful zons. Good luck!

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Sorry guys, we were having black-outs yesterday my computer time was very limited!! Well I called in the morning and spoke with someone who needed a description of the bird I was referring to... After getting to the correct parrot I was told Oh I think she wants to keep that one if not sold.. but can I have her call you when she gets in?? So I left my phone number and reason for calling and guess what? I am STILL waiting!! lol... I'm sorry guys I really wish I had good news for everyone!

Also thanks for your understanding, I have been trying to get money together, this isn't the best time for a purchase of this size but I have been calling around to others I know that have been looking for parrots and seeing if there is anyone who has given an amazon a thought.. they are far and few but I am hoping that maybe even if I can't get her out of there that someone else can!

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Ok, I should of waited 10 minutes to post! They still are offering financing, but I would have 3 weeks to pay in full.. The owner or someone in her family would be taking all and any birds left "IF" the store closes.. She wasn't very friendly and wouldn't offer any info unless I asked the correct questions.. So I am not sure but maybe this might still be a possibility.. still doing some checking...

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