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Eggs (not parrot eggs)


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I hate hate hate to shell boiled eggs. I try to do it when they are still warm but not so hot you can't hold them. And I add a little salt when boiling.

But are there any other tips to make shelling a chicken egg easier?

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LOL - Well they do it to make all the rest of us ask "How did they do That?" ;-)


I always MUST find out HOW....I know it's time invested, but I guess it's worth it, if I can answer some ones question or just share some trivial information. :-)

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LOL - Yes, I drove my Parents CRAZY taking everything a part :woohoo:


My Father purchased an old Car engine when I was 10, just so I could take it a part and see how it worked.


He was a Great Father......... :cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/16 23:59

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I love Vinnie's little face, please post some more photos of him. I never heard of that sort of parrot before I met you, Celery.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/17 16:17

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celery wrote:

Thank You Lidia!

You just made my day!


No, thank you! I have been googling the Greater Vasa today, and they are utterly fascinating birds. I had no idea that ANY parrot could shed its feathers when in mating condition (the female) or change the colour of its feathers without moulting! The photos of the bald females are very curious indeed, I would love to see one for myself.


The references on the net all seem to refer to it as a "more primitive" parrot, perhaps even as the missing link between the raptor and the parrot. I think it is just one of those evolutionary oddities, like the different types of finches on the Galapagos Islands, that have simply evolved into their habitat.


Anyway, I adore Vinnie and am developing a slight crush on him, I think. :blush:



Anyway, back to eggs:


Another way to make them easier to peel (after running cold water over them) is to roll them in your hands or on a hard surface to fracture the skin and shell.

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Tari i found this & thought of you ;)


How to Peel an Egg Quickly

Removing the shell from a hard boiled egg can be painstaking work, but with this simple process it will take you less than three seconds every time.


Steps [edit]Prepare a hard boiled egg and let it cool. Soaking in ice water is a good way to speed up this process.

Crack the shell at each end by firmly tapping the egg onto a hard surface such as a counter. Do one end, and then the other. There is an air bubble in the wide end of the egg; you want to crush this.



Place the side of the egg on a counter and roll forward for one revolution with your palm firmly down on the top of the egg.



Submerge the egg in a bowl of warm water and slip the entire shell off in less than a second.

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