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Teaching Grey to Like other people?


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Hi all


I still live with my parents and my mom loves Piper (my grey). I had Piper since he was about 3 months old and we have a close bond. He is about 2years old now. However, my mom would love to cuddle with him like I do. I can hug him, squeeze him and kiss him all over and he just loves it.

Can I teach him to be as cuddly and loveable with my mom? She feeds him a lot of the time and gives him lots of attention. He must like her cause he copies her voice and sayings more than mine. so I believe deep down inside he really likes her but is too "proud" to show his feelings. but he doens't want to climb on to her hands or shoulder. He's not a nippy, bity grey.

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They normally chose one person they interact with on the upclose and cuddle "chosen one" level, your that person.


All others in the flock, such as your Mom are certainly a part of the flock and interacted with on the flock level. Members of the flock will be interacted with closely and friendly, but not cuddles.


Other people visiting, if you have socialized your grey with a lot of people, will be at a level as people of other flocks visiting and not be treated as personal as your mother. The will be viewed more cautiously.

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Like Dan said, your the chosen one to your Grey.


I like to think of it as a ladder and your up on the top rung. That is why you get the snuggles and cuddles and such. Other people will always be on the rungs below you in order of acceptance. I would say your Mother is a rung below you and will always be so.

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There still might be hope. My grey, Ana Grey, is almost 2 years old. She and I live alone with two other pets. In the last few months Ana Grey has been flying to other members of my family to sit on their shoulders. She has always take treats from others, she is such a glutton. Both "chosen" perches are male one is 1O the other 21. She has decided these gentlemen are worthy of her touch. So have hope your grey may still come around.

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