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I know all you Grey owners out there, must have some interesting stories to tell, new photos or videos of your Greys and other birds.


Let hear or see them!!!


I'll start....


Dayo has started experimenting with words by changing them, much like a child. I believe he is going through the "Italian" phase. :P


He loves rigatoni, ravioli, spaghetti ....you get the Italian drift.


So now, foods he wants are starting to be pronounced as lets get some Cerealooooeee, appleooooeeee, grapeoooeeee.......


Oh and one BIGGY, not Italian. He said "Daddy" for the first time on Thursday. Even if it was in a phrase related to blood "No bite Daddy"...... Why couldn't it have been "I miss Daddy" or "I love Daddy"???? :confused::confused::P:p


Now, lets hear and see some of whats happening in your home.


Spock started this, now lets all continue the ROLL!!! :D

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tigerlily is going through a phase when she'll step down off my finger with one foot but hold on to my finger with the other. i give a little shake and say "give me my finger back" but she wont let go so i have to peel her off lol.


now when she does it i give a little shake and TIGERLILY says "give me my finger back"


quite cute i think

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Mine is too young for any great stories just yet but she has started showing a rambunctious personality already. She shreds her paper towels in the bottom of the brooder and tries to dig her way out when she knows I am in the room. She is also starting to toss her toys around.... including her stuffed cow which is the same size she is.

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Well Ana Grey has been very good the last two days. I am watching my one-old grandson, who you remember was born 3 months premature so he is really only 9 months old mentally and physically. Well little Dino is crawling around and getting into everything and of course chewing on everything. Ana Grey has been a doll believe it our not. She sits on her swing perch in the living room and just observes. She is quiet and really just watches as I play with Little Dino and bounce him around. She is fascinated by the little person crawling around and getting into things. I am very proud of Ana Grey because usually she is so jealous of any animal or other bird I touch and flies down and lands on their backs or heads to warn them off. I believe she senses that this is a helpless human baby who needs me more than she does. Ana Grey will also just fly over and sit on the back of my rocking chair when I rock little Dino. She is being a real angel, hallelujah!!!!

Edited by luvparrots
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I LOVE this thread...thanks Dan!!! Joey has been calling Jay "Papa" when he wants him to come over and visit or play (he learned Papa from Tango). He will start out with a "Papa" and will progress to "Papa, come here" and if Jay does not respond fast enough he will go "papapapapapapapapaaaa and then laugh at his own joke....(LOL) Spock does this also but his is a shorter paapaaa with a laugh. When Jay leans over to them, they will both bop his nose with their beak (their version of a kiss)...it is too funny!!




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Me too, when I first read Sanggay's post I was shocked that maybe Cocoa was sick then I realized that they are good mimics of our sounds when we are sick so therefore they "cough, sneeze" which is too funny. I hope your wife is feeling better now.

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Well Charlie has taken a liking to sitting on his stand in the kitchen,he is here now,just watching and resting one foot.He would sit here all day if he could,well for half an hour anyway lol. His latest trick is crying like a baby when I go upstairs,dont ask me where that came from I just dont know.

Janet I am so glad to here Deno is coming on well.

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Great stories, Tobie has been saying bad bird and then growling like the dogs do when they are both pulling on the same toy. He gets into the growling to the point of being rediculous. I wish I could teach him to do that on command by saying something like "Tobie are you bad" and then have him go into a fit of growling. It would be a great trick, but so far no luck.

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Quiet is not a word often used in my house - at least not with two greys, two conures, and our U2! Not to mention the 4 parakeets who've taken roost. I guess I'm a crazy bird lady after all. I guess I'll proceed with a story of each for you although 3 of them aren't greys, they are funny none the less.


Dixie: Dixie has taken to laying on her back as often as she can. This is something she does with my son on a routine basis, while they are watching Sponge Bob. It's really funny to see him kicked back in the recliner, feet up, blanket pulled up to Dixie's beak (over both of them), and the two of them watching tv. Ask her if she's comfortable, and you will get this every so soft - "yes, pass the popcorn." (LP is a popcorn addict, I guess Dixie will be soon.)


Beau: Beau has started talking. His first word was hello. I was thrilled. Now it's "hello Beau" and "hey Beau" on a routine basis. Dan had a thread earlier about using "thank you" and "your welcome" with the birds and I have been working diligently on that with all of them. Today we ventured to the bird store (the conures needed nail trims) and of course Beau had to go along. Beau stayed on my shoulder the entire time we were at the shop and was the perfect little gentleman, except when he had to poop. He quietly stepped off my shoulder onto the carrier the conures were in and did his business, then climbed back onto my shoulder. I told him "thank you" and he replied "your welcome." He loves me so much and made me so proud. There were a few people in the store at the time and it seems everyone saw this event. If I had tried to potty train him he wouldn't have been as good as he was this afternoon.


Sterling: At a point in time earlier this year we had thought Sterling was going to go live with my aunt in Virginia. Unfortunately, she ended up having shoulder surgery and the decision was made that he was too much bird for her at this time. His needs and her abilities to meet those needs may be compromised, not to mention, her own attention to her health. Well, I can say with a huge smile on my face, this turn of events was perfect. Sterling is still with us, we are extremely happy about it and LP and his overly busy schedule gave way to meet the needs of his responsibilities to Sterling. All his choice. There aren't many 13 year old boys who will tell their friends, I can't play the game right now, I have to spend time with my bird, or take me out of the game, I have to take care of Sterling. I hear that all the time and it fills my heart with joy, especially when it's in the middle of a major battle on one of the video games they play. All Sterling has to do is drop his ear of corn or finish with a brussel sprout and need another one and LP is up and running to him. (Sterling will not eat his veggies out of a bowl or off a plate, you must hand them to him one at a time!) Sterling has changed too it seems, he's much calmer, quick to spend more time with LP and not come looking for me. I love having this magnificent U2 in our home. He's also a great alarm clock for LP.


The best story I guess I have is joy of having all of the birds in our home. The parakeets sing with the radio all the time. I've found myself with the television on less and the radio on in the kitchen listening to them sing along from Sarah's room. Sterling has taken to dancing more with me, he is quite good at the Cupid Shuffle. Dixie and Beau are getting along in ways I had never imagined them doing. Their cages are close to each other and the respect they have for each other is amazing. No lunging, no biting, no squabbles at all, but let Beau get off his cage and Dixie is quick to let me know he's "loose." I keep telling her it's ok, he's allowed to wander around on the floor. She is flying all through the house now, navigating turns and hallways with great speed and agility. Blue and Bean (the conures) are the best security system any person could ever hope for. Any car that makes its way to our court is announced with great aplomb and heaven help anyone who tries to come in the back door without letting me know (my aunt tried to sneak in last Friday and was greeted with the shrieks! Her surprise was ruined...lol). As for me - I'm carrying 12 hours this semester and looking to graduate next spring with 2 degrees.

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Willow and Leo have started talking only about 3 weeks ago. But now they're experimenting with new phrases. They have two 2-hour blocks of the day where they just sit and preen, whistle, mumble, chatter, etc. Today I came home and Willow said, in my wife's voice: "Dammit Leo!"


When my wife got home from work, I met her, arms folded, glaring: "What happened yesterday when you came home for lunch, dear?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did Leo bite you?"

"Well, yes" pause... "How did you know?"


mmmm hmmm.

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Dorian's favorite phrase as he's about to do something he shouldn't is "Dory NO!" then he proceeds to do it. His vocabulary is getting stronger daily, however, some of his words are unrecognizable.??? He's never said "daddy" once yet...It's always Dory, Dory, Dory. I guess it's all about HIM! lol.

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Robin - All I can say is WOW and thanks for a great update on all your FIDs, Family and congratulations on being soon to receive two degrees. Twelve units is a large load, especially with a family of not only humans, but all those FIDs as well. It's wonderful to hear how your son has really become so responsible for Sterling.


Thanks for this write up! :)

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These are great stories. I'm really enjoying this thread.


Moussa is almost 5 months old now. He's really settled in as a member of the family. The only thing he's attempted to say so far is "step up." He does do a pretty good lovebird imitation (Izze the lovebird, has her cage in the same room).


He seems to enjoy music and likes to nap on the kitchen counter in front of the radio or the CD player when it's playing soft music. He was relaxing there just now, fluffed up with his eyes half closed. Then the CD ended, and his eyes popped open and he waddled off to play.


We're just awed by this bird and his potential. It feels really different than with the other birds (which we also love) ... more like being a steward or guardian than an owner.


Please keep the stories coming ...

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