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The Further (MIS)Adventures of Spock


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:P Everyday with the Fids is an adventure...yesterday, even more so...I was cleaning out the cages (and the house LOL) and Spock had flown into the Bird Room to check out what I was doing. I had just finished playing referee between Salsa and Rodan (the cockatiel):mad: who had been trying to decide who was the biggest and baddest and had pulled out the cage tray for cleaning when Spock flaps his wings and says "I'm jealous!" I don't know where in the world that came from but I picked him off my head and spent five minutes reassuring him before taking him to Jay. (LOL) :P

I finally got the Bird Room done and was carrying out Salsa to her perch in the kitchen when I noticed Spock standing on the coffee table, poking at the phone and talking in Birdese to it.:eek: Apparently, he was making a long distance phone call and got caught at it before he could complete it....Thank goodness for that... those overseas calls are expensive!:rolleyes:

I gave Spock a toy and Salsa a Bean pod and thought they were both content...silly me...I had my back to them when I heard a crash...Joey said "OH LORD! Spock! NO!" I started laughing so hard, I really didn't care what had happened...but as usual, Spock had decided to help me clean the counter and had pushed off a casserole dish and a water bottle that had been on the counter and was proceeding to try to get a piece of candy in my purse...Joey started calling for Spock, "Spock, come here..." (with his evil little laugh afterward):cool:

I cleaned up that mess and tried to finish up the cages in the living room amid cries from Tango, "What are you doin'?", Salsa's "Salsa's a good girl. Step Up", Freddy's "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie" and Joey's "Joey wants a good nut! Which one?" while ignoring Jay's snickers as he surfed the net.

I finally got everything done and was getting everyone settled for bed when I heard Spock say "Beam me up" and then chuckle...If only they would....hahahahaha...;)


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I think a day in your household should be mandatory for anyone who is considering getting a FID. It sounds like complete chaos on a regular basis. I absolutely loved the part about Spock being jealous :eek:

That's really great but you have to ask Spock and the flock if it is okay. They're just allowing us to stay here...hahahahahahaha...

Maggie Jay

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