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jackson flying


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ok jackson is flying everywhere...i was eatting dinner in the living room and left him out on the top of his cage..his cage is in the middle wall of the kitchen and the living room. my kit and livingroom is one big room.his started to fly and on toip of the stove he went. landed on a pan and thank god it was cooled off or he would have been burned.i was so scared..so, i turned the couch around to make two rooms and try to block him going to the kit and moved him into the other side of the living room...is he going to fly like this all the time???he is everywere???help

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Tanya if you are going to keep him flighted yes he is going to be everywhere, glad to hear he escaped injury when landing on the stove, you might have to keep him in his cage when you are cooking and until the stove has cooled off to avoid any future mishaps. Realize he has just learned to fly and he wants to explore, his curiosity is peaked right now and he wants to see and experience it all. I think once he gets a little older he will settle down some but this is what you get with a flighted bird, I think some time in his cage during the day is a must even if you are home all day.

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Of course he is going to be flying everywhere.....he is a bird, what did you expect?


You need to make your house bird safe.. thank God that he didn't fly onto a hot stove, that would have been very irresponsible of you. :(

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thank you..i know his a bird and i expect him to be a bird...but his also a baby bird and i just didnt know that he could fly like this at this age....13weeks.and my house is as bird safe as i can get it....

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Of course he is going to be flying everywhere.....he is a bird, what did you expect?

You need to make your house bird safe.. thank God that he didn't fly onto a hot stove, that would have been very irresponsible of you. :(

There's Many ways a person can express themselves, especially when explaining something they think someone else might be unaware of! When a person open's themselves to you, that's trust, hopping for the same in return.:o

Mama you know what you have to do to insure this won't happen again, and you've already started, Thanks for confiding in us:)...Jayd and Maggie

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I don't think Tanya meant to have Jackson fly onto her pan, he is just learning where to go and now he knows landing on the stove is a major No-No! Every one of our birds has landed somewhere we didn't want them to, and accidents happen. Luckily this time there were no injuries and lessons were learned..

Tanya you are doing GREAT don't let anyone tell you otherwise!! :)

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I agree with JJ's Tanya. From your posts and talking with you, you have done and are doing a great job raising this baby (and the other one too!). It's all new to you, so I think little mistakes are quite permissible. Yes it's not good he landed on the stove, but you know that, and there's no need to growl at you and make you feel bad about it - you are quite aware of it. In my opinion, all's well that ends well, no harm was done in the end, and I am sure this is something you will remember next time round.


I never let Cleo out when I am cooking, because she just gets into everything. She tries to eat the raw meat, wants to chew on a knife I am handling, throws chopped vegetables on the ground...basically being a typical bird pain in the a**!! When I am eating she is in her cage too, because she will get into my food as well, walking all over it with her big feet, tossing things on the ground, smearing me with food etc.


And as you probably remember from when you had Phoebe, when they are out, they need to be supervised constantly to make sure they don't get up to mischief or into trouble.


So Tanya, keep up the good work, don't be too hard on yourself!

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Those coloured plastic ties you have there Tanya would not last 5 minutes in Cleo's cage lol.


Well if he starts chewing thru them then Tanya will just have to replace them or find something he can't chew thru, ahhh the life of living with a parrot!

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