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I Have To Move


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So, my current apartment managers want to raise my rent 120 dollars and I cannot have that...so I have to move. Anyone have experience with moving with their birds. Will Issac stress out when I have to move? He seemed to adjust well when I brought him home. I hope the lil guy will be okay.

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The cage is always going to be smack dab in the middle of the living room. He might be curious at first as to what is going on....but i think he will make it through alright. I will comfort him and reassure him constantly.

Funny, I had a feeling you had everything under control.[lol] But fresh advice is always good. Good job my friend. Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock!

Hey, Spock here!, can I come visit? It's about time I had a talk wit Issac about how to get more out of you!!!!!

Live Long and Prosper


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Be sure to tell Issac what you are doing as you pack up things, tell him all about it so he knows for he will understand more than you think he does, make sure he has what he needs during the trip and when you get to the new place take him all thru the apartment and show him everything telling him this is his new home and he will settle into it soon but you should have no problem for he is so young and will take to the change of abode smoothly.

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Issac will be just fine. He is very bonded to you and if you are there and calm and talk to him and let him know what is going on, everything will be fine. I take my Ana Grey to my daughter's home for overnights and it doesn't even phase her because she is with me. So be calm and relaxed and talk to Issac and all will go smoothly. Can't wait to hear about your new digs!!!

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Thanks for all the votes of confidence. I will just do my best to take care of him on moving day. He is pretty trusting so I think it should go well.


I think so too and you have received great comments from all the others. :)

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

watever u do do not leave him behind. take him with u. i am shure he will be okay as long as u dont forget him somewheres else. u needs to take him with u to check out new places to seee if he likes one place over another. he should have a say in the move. he will be spending more time there than u so his voice needss to be heard.

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My poor bird lost his mommy (my mom) and had rarely been out of her house for 9 years except for Vet visits. When my mom was in the hospital my sister had to bring him to her house. Then my mom passed and 3 weeks later he was moved again. This time he was put in a carrier and was flown to California, I was with him in the cabin. My sister was convinced he would have a heart attack. The vet did prescribe birdie valium for the flight. Dudley did great by the way! We were much more stressed than he was. He moved right in, and now runs our house!! Your baby is much younger and will do fine!

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I think he will be fine!


We moved out of my parents house into an apt 30 mins away, and we didn't bring Pepper in until two weeks later when we had the whole place set up. That way he was surrounded by familiar things. After a few days he was normal and back to his talkative self.

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