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Loki's progress


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Loki went for her first outdoor walk yesterday :) My husband and I have been walking in the evenings because I think I am fat and need the exercise :P So yesterday we took Loki along with us to see how she would do. Nothing fazed her, she was calm about everything but her balance needs quite a bit of work. She would try to adjust how she was standing and would fall more often than not. I also noticed that my harness kept loosening up and she kept getting her foot through it. When we got home she climbed up to her favorite perch and took an hour long nap :)

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What an exciting adventure for Loki. :)


The harness may be a little too big for her, not certain. Normally the harness buckles are made in such a way, that once you cinch them to where you want, they do not move. Perhaps there is a defect?


Thanks for sharing this first outing. :)

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What an exciting adventure for Loki. :)


The harness may be a little too big for her, not certain. Normally the harness buckles are made in such a way, that once you cinch them to where you want, they do not move. Perhaps there is a defect?


Thanks for sharing this first outing. :)


I am wondering if it was my fault and I was afraid of over tightening it on her or something

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Loki kinda, sorta flew today. She was running around on the floor flapping like always and she got some lift and forward motion. I would say she got about 6 inches off the floor and went about 2 feet :) Then she proceeded to try and dig under my daughter's leg to get at her toes (Which she was purposely hiding)

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Well Loki can officially fly! :) She has been flying to me from her play gym this afternoon and she flew into the kitchen while I was cooking dinner this evening! Everyone in the house has been made aware and a sign has been posted on the front door for all visitors to be careful LOL

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She is a flying fool already! Won't stay put anywhere for long now :P Dogs are terrified of her LOL


Oh and I forgot to mention... she is 11 weeks old tomorrow and is pretty much weaned. She has refused her bedtime feed for 5 days now. Her weight is still around 276 grams. My lil devil is all grown up ... not sure if I am happy or sad about that :confused:

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What a mental picture I can see of Loco Loki embracing her natural instinct to fly everywhere she desires with this newly aquired capability. You will be amazed each day as the skills grow and grow. You will need to start training her where she can and cannot go though. It's a pain and you will walk/run 20 miles a day doing it. So you will both be in tip-top shape. :P

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Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been around much lately. I have been having some "issues" at home.


Anyway, Loki is doing great! She helped me wash the dishes the other day and as a result she got to take her first "shower". We used the spray nozzle in the kitchen sink. She didn't seem to mind it at all. Her weight is holding steady and she continues to eat everything I put in front of her. She is a pro at being harnessed and acts like it is a normal everyday thing. She loves to get out and play and will willingly go to anyone who asks her to step up. She has started biting down a little hard every now and again but it isn't a mean thing, just exploring what she can and can't do. All in all I think she is turning out to be a pretty well rounded girl and I love her to pieces.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow! Has it really been 21 days since I have been on here?!?! lol


Anyway, I must apologize yet again for my absence. I recently went back to work, kids went back to school, etc. and I simply don't know if I am coming or going most days it seems.


Loki is doing fantastic! She has a daily routine and will let you know if it is out of sync. She has dinner with us every day and always gets a little bit of what we are having to eat..... last night it was pizza! She does a perfect imitation of a cockatiel chirp and talks back and forth with the cockatiels that are in the other room. She is already mumbling something too, so I expect a word to pop out at any time. She is such a good girl and I can scoop her up from just about anywhere and roll her over onto her back in the palm of my hand.


I am going to try and manage my time a little better and be on here a bit more than I have been.

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Loki sounds like she is doing great! The change in schedules will take time to figure out on your part and Loki's. It is hectic at first when everything changes at once like that, but you and Loki will adapt soon enough. I would love to see some photos and hear more when you get time in your suddenly full appointment book. :)

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Loki'sMinion,

I know this thread is a couple years old, but when I started reading the beginning of your thread I really thought I was reading about my Loki. I am new to this and on May 5th I bought my baby african grey at 4 weeks old. After the second feeding and the bird's mischievousness I named it Loki and was praying for it to be a boy--three days later and I found out she is a girl. Feeding her is like war itself; food everywhere and all over her. Not even a paper towel bib worked...


Your bird is beautiful and as I explore the site I hope to see more. ;)


Figured I would start a thread here for updating you guys on my Lil Loki.


First of all I will start out by letting you all know that my baby is continuing to gain weight and was 247 grams this morning at 45 days old (6 weeks 3 days). :D


Second' date=' Loki's appetite has picked up a bit and we now get between 22cc's and 27cc's fed at each meal.


Third, I have Loki's DNA results already.... Only mailed them in on Friday. Loki is FEMALE! Was hoping for a male but I love my lil baby all the same :P



I promised some pictures of Loki's lil red tail buds, so here they are....


(If any of these end up posting sideways, I apologize in advance. They show correctly on photobucket but when I preview them here, 2 are sideways)








Finally, I figured I would show you guys why I call Loki my messy lil devil....... NEVER have I had a bird this messy while eating. Loki is unreal! I have to bath her after every meal.




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