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Loki's progress


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Loki has figured out the joys of Lafebers Avi-Cakes today. As well as broccoli spears and cauliflower :) She is doing so well on trying all the new foods I am introducing to her. Oh and she managed to get onto a perch that she actually had to work at LOL .... A little dangling and wing flapping and she managed to pull herself up onto it. She looked so proud of herself afterward :)

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(9 weeks 2 days old) Just a little update


Well Loki is starting to play hardball about her breakfast already! She only ate 1/2 her normal amount this morning and then dove straight into her mash dish :P She spends a good portion of her time up on the higher perches now instead of the cage floor, but still hasn't figured out how to climb down once she gets up there. She is now stepping up when asked and is as chatty as ever. I really think this lil girl is going to be a talker! :) I expect her first flight to be any time now :P

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while.....


Loki turned 10 weeks old this past Saturday. She is doing fantastic. Eats anything and everything I put in front of her. Still hasn't taken flight but I guess she will do it on her own time. She still weighs around 274 grams, so that makes her on the smaller end of the Timneh scale (as I predicted). I think she is already trying to form a word and I could have swore she said her name the other day! Climbs all over her cage like a pro now and loves to be picked up and carried around from room to room. She bit one of the dogs this morning LOL. It was funny because the dog ran off and Loki just sat there like she was so proud of herself. It's cute to watch her hang upside down from her rope perch and reach down to grab a bite to eat from a dish. She has already developed a foot fetish and will run across the floor to grab at any visible toe.


My toy supplies are supposed to arrive today and I can hardly contain myself LOL. Can't wait to make her some new and interesting toys to play with.

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