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Loki's progress


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Figured I would start a thread here for updating you guys on my Lil Loki.


First of all I will start out by letting you all know that my baby is continuing to gain weight and was 247 grams this morning at 45 days old (6 weeks 3 days). :D


Second, Loki's appetite has picked up a bit and we now get between 22cc's and 27cc's fed at each meal.


Third, I have Loki's DNA results already.... Only mailed them in on Friday. Loki is FEMALE! Was hoping for a male but I love my lil baby all the same :P



I promised some pictures of Loki's lil red tail buds, so here they are....


(If any of these end up posting sideways, I apologize in advance. They show correctly on photobucket but when I preview them here, 2 are sideways)








Finally, I figured I would show you guys why I call Loki my messy lil devil....... NEVER have I had a bird this messy while eating. Loki is unreal! I have to bath her after every meal.




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Loki is being a brat! She is chowing on pellets and such and refusing her formula. She takes the first 12cc's or so and then clamps her beak shut. She is wayyyy too young for this. I am keeping an eye on her weight to make sure she doesn't lose any.


Besides that, she has become VERY vocal, is perching and is playing a lot :)

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You know the rules, be patient and calm, lol What do you think the total daily intake is? [all foods], does Loki like millet? A TAG grows much quicker than a CAG! A TAG leaves his parents at around 6mos, talks pretty good at the same age, is and self sufficient at this time [most]. A CAG doesn't reach this level untill after a year old!


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She was 247 grams at 45 days and is 268 as of this morning at 53 days :)


It's been a weird 6 days with Loki...... Her weight has been up and down. She will gain a few and then lose a few grams. Today she is 273 grams, she was 277 at one point this week. We have A LOT of wing flapping going on and she LOVES her birdy mash. Doesn't seem to want her lunch feeding and is clamping her beak shut more often than not. I noticed this morning that she has some pink feathers on her right leg :)

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I swear, Loki has been one busy lil birdie all day long today. She is either eating or playing. She has taken a few short naps here and there but every time I look at her she is eating and playing it seems lol. With how much she has eaten today (Pellets and mash), she had better have a weight gain in the morning :)

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After 4 days of refusing her lunch meal I have decided to go ahead and cut it out. Some may think it is a bit early, but she is chowing on her mash, pellets and millet. I will of course be keeping an eye on her weight since I weigh her every morning anyway. She seems to be advancing a little faster than I thought she would be but I have to keep in mind that she is a TAG and not a CAG. The wing flapping continues and she almost raised up off the table last night when I was attempting to feed her at bedtime :) I don't think she is going to be a large TAG by any stretch of the imagination... Probably somewhere around the 300 gram range.

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