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Hi everyone! :)

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Hi everyone! My name is Lori and I've been lurking around the forum reading for a while, but I finally put down a deposit for my first grey so I thought it was time to say hi! :)


Been wanting to bring a grey into the family for years, but couldn't due to living situation and lack of space... but that is changing soon so I took the plunge! Little "Spencer" should be coming home in September! I am very excited! Been researching everything to do with them (cages, diet, health, toys, attention/interaction, behavior issues, etc) and I think I'm as prepared as anyone can be, though I'm sure when he arrives it will be more overwhelming than expected!


Last night I was up late into the night on a website piling all kinds of bird toy parts into my shopping cart. When it reached $160 and about 2:30am I figured I better stop and just go to bed. LOL! This guy is going to be the end of me!


Looking forwards to chatting with you all! I'm sure I'll be posting questions and updates as the days pass, though it will be about 8 more weeks until the babies are sexed by the breeder and my specific bird is picked out for me :) (Breeder is too far away to visit, so I'll be meeting Spencer for the first time at the airport!)


Thanks everyone!

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Hello Lori and welcome to our family, we are looking forward to hearing more about this new grey you want to get, isn't it exciting and I am excited for you.

I went to a bird fair this past Saturday and spent hundreds of dollars on bird toys and such, they add up quickly but if you look around the toys and playstands room you will find lots of ideas and suggestions for making your own toys and where you can look for cheaper ones.

Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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