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We recently left town for a week and had to board our two birds with a local store. It was, in fact, the store where we purchased our Grey. He is about a month shy of a year old and is a very social and gentle bird at home. He has had no problems with new people and is, in general, a typical baby. Lovable, needy and cuddly.


Upon picking him up from the boarder, he had bare spots on his nose and seemed considerably lighter. The caretaker said he was ornery and kept attacking her when she went to feed him. She said the bare spots on his nose were from him banging against the cage while attacking her...it just doesn't sound like my bird.


I am wondering if this is caused by 1) him being caged the whole week (they had nice big, clean cages, but the room was pretty crowded and it we don't leave our birds caged. We let them climb and play. They are only caged at bedtime)

2) Us not being around. Do we think he is social, but he is only nice to strangers when one of us is there?

3) Could the bare spots be a sign of something else that I need to take him to the vet for.


as a side note, since we got home, he is perfectly happy. He greeted me so joyfully at the boarder and was so thrilled to be back. He is chattering and preening as normal, but I DID notice that not much of his food got touched yesterday, so I am gonna keep an eye on that.


Thanks a million!

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Goodness...unless you know and absolutely trust who you are leaving your baby with, you just don't know what goes on. Maybe he just took badly to you going away and didn't get on with his keeper, and not getting out. These things shouldn't have done any real harm. Like you said, just keep an eye on his apetite and if you are in any doubt whip him into the vet for a check up.

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It is completely possible the store owners are being truthful with you. The reason I say this is, getting put in a strange cage, strange surroundings, strange birds next to him (Perhaps) strange toys (If any were in the cage), strange sounds, strange people trying to open and place food in his cage etc. Then on top of that, not out of cage time and no idea where his flock went. Could very well cause the attitude and the nose spots worn bare as you indicate.


I have seen birds do this before, even ,mine if there was some reason they kept jamming their beak and face as far as they could through cage bars or even a toy with holes in it.


Did you just bring you bird home today? How is he eating now and did you get a weight on him?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jamalbirdbiz

molly and marvin grey wuld go nutz if theys were ever left with strangers. no telling wat mite happen. i wuldnt want to risk it.

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