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OMG!! I have a cage escape artist!!


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Which one of my parrots? huh.gifYOu all get one guess and one guess only.glare.gif



When I come home from work, I holler hello to my parrots and go straight to the kitchen to wash my hands. I do this everyday.


As I am standing at the sink washing my hands, you can only imagine omg.gifhow stunned I was to hear the sound of wings flapping behind me and all of a sudden, Emma lands on my shoulder.eek.gifeek.gifeek.gif

It seems that in her spare time, she has figured out how to jimmy with the mechanism on the cage door.faint.gif


I guess that custom made freedom Cage will have to arrive sooner than planned.rolleyes.gif Emma is proving to be very very .... much a handful lately.tongue.gif

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LOL! That would be a shock. Emma is just getting too smart. She probably spent some time with a few birds from the slammer that taught her some survival skills while out on her jaunt. :P


A chain and padlock will solve that until you get your new cage.

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Ozzie did the same one day a few years ago, only we were in the garden having a bbq with the back door wide open, and he was tootling about the living room, i did wonder if i had not shut the cage properly but I always check so observed him over a few days, sure enough he had fathomed out how to open the cage and did it several times, i did think about a padlock but as I am ever the optimist i worried in case we had a fire and couldnt get him out, so he now has a shiney new lobster clip taken from a dog lead from the pound shop, it clips on and off easity and because it is outside and away from where his beak can reach it has worked brilliantly, i also have 2 clamps, 1 on each of his food bowls as it took him all of 3 days to learn how to twist and flip them out lol.

Edited by ozziebird
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