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will not come out of cage and will not talk and make noise


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the only thing i did on firday was move his cage so i can clean house and vacum and his toys are the same he loves one toy my husband got him and my

one hair tie never wore his eatting not changes at all still the same feed him oat meal in the morning he loves that his poop looks the same nothing in it

i wear my hair up befor i go out i just took it down and he loves to play with my hair he made a couple sounds that was it he plaed with my hair and back in his cage i

thank he got his days and night mixed up us not being home all day and night time around this time he wantes to play but he runs back in his cage when we try to

pick him up we got him off some one that was selling him it took me a long time to get where he at now i don't want to try to start over with him he trust me and i just worried about him i had the radio on and he like it not loud should i leave the tv on during the day to see if that help him out down on low i leave his cage open he don't get off his cage unless we have something for him he comes to us and he has his own towle on the chouch he plays with that its just been two day hes been like that thank you for helping me out

Edited by opticmind
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Thank you, very possible the change in day and night, could have bothered him. Yes, leave the TV or radio on, Find him some outside toys plus his towel. Remember, this takes time, maybe a little setback, just be patient. Question, was the cage returned to the same spot after you cleaned? How old is this baby? Don't let him see your worried or upset, he can read your emotions! So don't show your upset until you leave the room! It seems he might be missing you, he's already moved from one family to yours, maybe a little more attention, sit by his cage and read to him, show him the pictures. This takes time.

Jayd and Maggie [spock]

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we only had him a year almost and he is three years old or four realy don't know when we got him

the guy said 2 years old i had to teached him alot that person only let him do what he wanted to do

i got him and worked with him still am

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i put his cage back and everythig when i come home he did make sounds

he knew what time i get home and he was happy i wash up frist and then go see him

he had his sncks we give him and stuff i try the tv thing to day and see how that goes

for him rhank you

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i put his cage back and everythig when i come home he did make sounds

he knew what time i get home and he was happy i wash up frist and then go see him

he had his sncks we give him and stuff i try the tv thing to day and see how that goes

for him rhank you

Wonderful, be patient! Jayd

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thank you for helping me out i found out that i moved some photos around and i put the one back and the othe in its place and he was making his sounds and coming out now i guess i can not move anything

around in the livingroom thank you for helping me out i give a couple more days to see how he is

and hopeing that works thank you again so much annette

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Great deductive reasoning on figuring out what it was. :)


Some Greys are very sensitive to the slightest change. I knew a lady a few years ago, that simply moved a throw rug 3 inches and the grey acted like some major change in living environment had taken place. She moved it back, the clouds parted, the sunshined and the angels sang. All was good in that Greys eyes once again. :P

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Have you ever hear of Temple Grandin? She has Asperger's Syndrome (a form of Autism) and has a PHd. Her work is with cows going to slaughter, and how to make their last time on earth calm. She gets called for consults all the time. Anyway, one time a slaughter house called her because the cows would no longer walk calmly back into their pen, they would not cross a certain area, although previously they had no issue with that area. She found the problem in seconds. A sign had fallen, and it scared the cows, she put it back up the right way (it was hanging funny), and the problem was solved! Her book "Animals in Translation" is a very interesting read, I highly recommend it!

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