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Issac Week 32 - Cuddle Muffin


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My work weeks have been intense with my new responsabilities and such...so since I missed Issac's 31st week...lets just combine it into week 32. Ever since they began letting me do code development, all the time i used to spend refreshing this site and reading posts is kind of severely limited. In a way that is a good thing.


The last two weeks, I have had the most compliant and cuddly bird that I can imagine. He has been giving it up for tons of head scratches and just being a really sweet bird for whatever reason. He is making me love him tons. He will sometimes tuck his head into my neck and make a little wimper sound like, "Please, yes, scratch". One new thing I learned is he loves to have the little area around his lower beak where it meets his neck massaged. Ohhh that gets his eyes rolling. LOL. It is tremendously cute to see him in these moods. That is not to say that I still don't get the occasional attitude from him, but the last two weeks have been the easiest yet. I get so happy just talking about him.


Anyway, more crazy sounds and apparant attempts at talking. I enjoy just watching him do his sounds. Some are so pleasent. He continues to add to his list....and say 'Pedro' like my Conure, Pedro, does. He has a new location that he likes to sing from. The right-side edge of the back of my couch. He seems a bit more content to staying in certain areas lately. Although he still goes on his floor missions too. So I try to leave things for him to find down there.


Last night I said to myself, "Man it has been a long time since I got sushi." After deciding to break that cycle by going to get some, I found out why I didn't take sushi home anymore. It's impossible to eat without Issac wanting in on the action, and I could not give it to him because there are avocados in it. A simple reminder that if I cannot share it with him it's better to eat it in a different room or just eat before I come home. He was going after the chopsticks so I gave him a pair to play with, didn't last long. He just wanted to get in on the sushi action. So I ended up retreating to a different area to finish up.


So that is pretty much all for now. It seems that he has totally caught onto the little routine we have and nothing is a major event anymore. When I have to leave, he lets me put him in his cage without a struggle, He knows when it's time for eating and sleep. What can I say, enjoying a couple weeks with a very compliant birdie. Thanks for reading about my little bundle of joy. :)



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My Miss Hannah is 7 months old, She is trying to talk but not quite making it. But she has started to make Rasberrys at everyone. I told her she had to go home mommy had to go to work and she done it to me i just had to laugh.

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Thanks for the update while you are intensely occupied with your first coding project.


When the time or attention they get is lessened, they really do become much more needful during the time they spend with you. Especially when they are young. You description is one of a very cute and loving bird. :)


Thanks for sharing this.

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Thanks for the update while you are intensely occupied with your first coding project.


When the time or attention they get is lessened, they really do become much more needful during the time they spend with you. Especially when they are young. You description is one of a very cute and loving bird. :)


Thanks for sharing this.


One thing that does not suffer for Issac, is the attention I give him. He is very much so paid attention to. Thank you all for reading about my lil guy. He is more than I could have ever imagined.

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