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Lolita Died....


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I haven´t been around here, since my Grey Parrot ”Caco”, which turned out to be a female and we renamed “Lolita”, died a few weeks ago. All happened very fast..........

we noticed She was a little quiet one morning and immediately toke her to the Vet to check on her. The vet examined her, and said she had to much bacteria in her “Papo” (sorry I don´t know what it is called in English, but is the place where the food stays in some birds before going to the stomach). The vet gave her some shots of antibiotics and other stuff, re-hidrated her, and prescribed oral medication for the treatment at home. He said since we went there very early in the process, she was going to be fine.

The next morning she was still very quiet and she was hungry and thirsty, but she vomited everything we gave her, including the medication. So, we toke her again to the vet. He did more exams, and x-rays, Blood tests, etc., re-hidrated her again, and gave us the medication in shots, so we could continue the treatment at home in spite the vomiting. Unfortunately, she died late that day. The vet wanted to perform an autopsy , but we were so sad and hungry with all this, that all we wanted was to get all this behind our back and forget.

We are still with the idea that the vet gave her to much anesthesia the second day we took her there. He said it will take 10 to 15 minutes to take the X-ray and collecting blood, and it took almost an hour. At the time he said it took to much time to put her to sleep, since she was very active. I must say that until then she was quiet, but still interactive with us. When we toke her home, after the second trip to the vet and the anesthesia, she just became “numb” in the cage floor and never got back on her feet again.

We decided not to have any more parrots, but a few days after Lolita’s death the “emptiness” in our house made us decide to make a reservation for a couple of baby greys in a breeder. However, we went to the breeder aviary last Saturday and we fall in love with the colours and the friendly mood of the “amazona aestiva xanthopteryx”. So, we changed our mind and in 3 or 4 weeks we are going to get a couple of this species instead. Who knows, if one day we get back to the greys…..just now, we find it better to get different parrots, because a new grey will now seem as a ‘Lolita’ replacement, and that’s not fair.

Edited by pfcarquejo
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I feel for you, I really do :(


I can understand the emptiness of not having a parrot around, you don't think it till their gone. When my Amazon went to live with my ex I missed him & ended up getting Murphy but felt a little guilty that he'd replaced my Amazon Conan.


If you do decide to get another grey, you could look at it like a tribute to Lolita.

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Paulo, I am so sorry for the loss of Lolita. It was heartbreaking to hear that your little sweetheart is now gone. I can understand the need to fulfill your home with the love of a parrot again as they are so much a part of us once we get them in our hearts. I look forward to hearing about your new babies in the Amazon Room. Be strong and maybe you can open your heart to another grey someday as a tribute to your sweet Lolita.

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