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greyS and Snakes??


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just wondering if any one on here happens to have both..

i am really wanting to get a Red tailed Boa (i used to collect them, and i miss having one around the house)


but, i am a bit concerned that the scent of the bird may not go over well with a snake that could exceed 8-9 feet.


any one have both?? if so what percautions have you taken to assure the safety of the bird, yourself, and the snake?



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Beautiful Pictures,thanks for posting.Regarding the issue of Grey's and snakes,I have to say It is not a combination I would advise. Birds are prey animals and a snake is a predator. I fear a Grey would feel very vulnerable with a large boa in the house which would not be good. If you do get a snake ensure it is as far from the bird in the house a possible and is contained at all times.

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my cousin had/has many birds and he is also a big snake lover, in an effort not to freak either the snake or birds out, they were housed on different levels of his home, birds in the main living area of the house, and all the snakes were in bedrooms and the office.. his tanks had locks so the snakes couldn't open the top.. But most of all he was concerned about cross contamination.. and was very very vigilant in hand washing/clothes changing when it came to the birds...I believe keeping snakes and birds would be ok, as long as they are safe distances from each other and you are willing to accept the possible consequences.

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I have seen the fright and uneasiness in Talon's eye when I had a toy that resembled a snake....I would NEVER want her to have to live in a home where there is a snake. There senses are beyond what we notice. It's too scary for them. My opinion...:)

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I would reccomend as the others.


The two should never be housed in the same room or ever have a chance to meet accidentally. The bird is just a snack to a snake. The snakes also carry bacteria that would be fatal to your Grey should it somehow come in contact with it. :)

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lol my snakes were always my babies. and unfortionatley i had to part with all 8 of them.... that's right i said 8. i do miss them so very much, but unfortionatley my landlords of the past frowned upon them. now that we are settled into a home that will be our last rental (purchasing a home asap) i figured it was high time to get my big babies back.


they would be kept in totally seperate areas of the home, and if i can do this with the most caution..... I am prepared to give it a try. i am aware of the hieghtened sences of both creatures, i just want to make sure that health wise it won't kill one or the other.


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Health wise I'd say it's a bad idea. -Any- other pet in the house (dog, cat, rat, gerbil etc) can be a potential danger to your bird even if they are "mellow pets," but snakes in particular, as others have mentioned, carry bacteria on their scales that can kill your bird. That means that not only do you have to worry about the usual "will my snake eat my parrot" problem, but you have to be very diligent about washing and making sure the snake cannot come in contact with the bird in any way. By this I mean that if you have the snake on your arm, or around your neck against your clothes, or in your lap...and then go pick up your bird and put him in those places, you're exposing the parrot to the snake's germies.


But either way - I think the best thing you could do is consult an Avian vet who can help you understand exactly how a snake's bacteria could harm your bird, what the best precautions are for housing the animals in the same environment (even in separate rooms), and what signs will tell you your bird is sick so you can get him to the vet right away in case the worst happens. (There might be specific things to look for besides the usual.)


Just remember - you might love your snakes, but you now have a parrot, and risk you're taking here is to the bird, not you or the snake. It would be pretty unfortunate if that risk turned out too high :(

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i do miss the snakes. however, the bird is by far more effectionate, and a major part of the family. with that being said.... i am not going to do anything until i am completely positive there is no danger that i am putting Mojo in. i have waited far too long to get this wonderful freind of mine just to piss it away for the love of another creature. after all Mojo is now a part of the family.

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i do miss the snakes. however, the bird is by far more effectionate, and a major part of the family. with that being said.... i am not going to do anything until i am completely positive there is no danger that i am putting Mojo in. i have waited far too long to get this wonderful freind of mine just to piss it away for the love of another creature. after all Mojo is now a part of the family.


I commend you for your decision to wait until you can be completely sure that you are not putting Mojo into any kind of danger by getting snakes for he IS part of the family now.

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I have over 40 reptiles and i am considering getting a grey. Mine live in the purpose built garage though and we do very strict hand washing routines already. We use anti bac as we enter and leave as well as washing and cleaning.

My reptiles never come into the house now so i feel my grey (when i get one) will be ok as he/she will never see or hear a snake or lizard.

I agree with what others say about if you do decide to keep both have then very seperate and take massive care with hand washing and cleaning. We even go as far a the garage has its own cleaning equipment and hover.


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