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My Baby doesn't Like Human Contact

Guest Lidia

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Hi my baby is around 12 weeks old. We have had her for 3 weeks. She is beautiful, tame, playful. We have one problem. She is not bonding to humans. She will play on her own. I think the problem was my hubby has his own grey and she wants to bond to the other grey. We have kept them in seperate rooms permantly but this still is not working. We have now got a freind to take other african grey so she can try and bond with human but she just looks for reflections of herself. If i go near her she just cowers in a corner. even if i try and play. I really dont know what to do anymore. I know this is not the norm as i have had experience with 3 other greys.


If i get her she will just run up my arm to the top of my head and stay there. Is this bonding.



I will just add that the other african grey does not like her either.


What else can i do as i am the one who has only fed her and touched her also. noone else has done this

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Hi donste2287,


It sounds like you first need to block her with your other hand from running up your Arm to your shoulder and head.


Keep her perched on your Hand and try to just talk gently to her and slowly giving little head scratches etc.


She needs to feel comfortable with you and your hands especially.


Was she hand-fed and interacted with by the Breeder?


It seems she has mainly had contact with her clutch, but not much human interaction.


The good news is, she is so young that she is still pliable and reliant upon you for food and learning. :-)


Please keep us posted and ask as many questions as you desire.

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It is still early. Give it time. Find out what her fave food is and stop feeding it. Only let her have it when she is with you not your husband.

I would bring the other bird home. I dont believe that has anything to do with it. Many of us have several birds and still bond with our greys so just bring him back home. If the calls bother you try turning on a TV or Radio.

Your husband should not play with or interact with the new bird until you have extrablished a relationship.

Once again it can take a whole lot longer then a few weeks to build trust with any bird give it time. Calm down and enjoy your baby for who he is and not who you expect him to be.

Someone well come along with some other tips.

Good Luck

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Oh I forgot. try the picnic game. You and your new bird get on a blanket on the floor with a few toys and her fave treat. Keep the stuff close to you or even the food in your lap let her come to you.

Sit by the cage and read a book. Use funny voices. Birds love drama.

Sit by the cage and eat. Giving her tiny bits when she can't stand it no more. You know when she is doing all she can to get to you or your food. (make sure you have something on the plate she can have.) lol Do you have a sit down hobby? I sit next to my greys cage when I crochet. I alway have treats ready for when she comes down to check out what I am doing. I well also sing and talk to her. We still do this even thought I have had her over 8 years.

Sing to her. Tell her jokes. Most of all relax give it time it won't happen over night.


Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/08/15 15:44<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/08/15 15:46

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Hi & Welcome to our family. The others give good advice. 3 weeks is not enough time for your young baby to bond with you. You do need to bring the other grey home. Keep things as normal as possible for your birds.


I would not let her up onto your head. That will make her feel dominant to you. You have to establish yourself as the dominate one. She is still young, YOU be the one to feed her treats, love her, talk to her, play with her. In time, she will learn to trust you, that happens over a long period of time based on your interactions with her.

Be patient, she is young and probably still frightened, the other grey is a comfort to her. As she gets older, and more comfortable, she will bond with you. Best of luck to you, and please keep us updated.:) :)

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oh my godsh everyone i did not realise all these messages were here. i do sorry for not responding. I can tell my bird was fed with a spoon but def think she was just left with her clutch. She had so much food over her dried in it took me 2 days to get it off her. Its one week later and she is more interactive and loves to play but mostly on here own. I think i am just so paronoid becasue i lost my last baby at one and i boned with her so well and miss her dearly. I am self employed with own website so i do sit around alot. I have her play gmn in front of me and she just plays constantly. It does worry me that she runs away from me though to the other side and actually turns her back on me. I find that if i ignore her she then wants me. clever thing.


we have visited our other bird every single day and my daughter is looking after her. she has been really happy but i am going to bring her home as its not fair although fluffy is interacting alot more without her there, i think thats only becasue shes not descrated. i am really glad i found this website and am really grateful for all the info supplied.


Fluffys mum x

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Hi donste2287


I am sorry to hear of your loss. :-(


But, now it seems with your new Baby Grey, you have plenty of activity to fill your time. :-)


It sounds like you are making progress in gaining his trust little by little. Which would be expected from what you have told us.


Just the little moments, that you get to spend with him near is a trust building session each time. This will continue to grow at a rate proportional to the amount of time you spend with him.


We are an active forum family here, as you have noticed and normally respond within minutes of a new post. :-)


So, anytime you just want to talk and share your new experiences with your baby or have a question, please do so!


That's what we are all here for.


We look forward to your following posts :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/17 16:58

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There is really no reason to have the other bird at your daughters. As for the fact the bird seems to be intacting with you more it was just the right time. I really don't think it has anything to do with the other bird.

Every bird is different this one may be nothing like your other one.

That is why I waited 7 years to get a new pet quaker. I did not want to compair it to my first quaker and be disappointed. Please try not to do that.

Glad you seem to be making progress. You got a lot of great advice of things to try I hope some of those are working out for you.

Got any pictures or both your greys?

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Hi there i have brought back our other baby now. I think i have been letting my bird control me a bit as she always wants to get on top of head or higher and then she never intereacts. today i have kept her off my head and she staid on my shoulder. my hubby is sitting with his purring parrott cherry. If my bird fell asleep on my stomach one one foot up does this mean something good? I am going to upload cherry and fluffy together very shortly. Mine has really unusal markings like red under her breast and feet. speak soon and thanks for all advice x

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You have to remember who is the parent and who is the child, and then you have it made. You do indeed need to be in control and I think things will settle down now that you have established that.


They hold one foot up to rest it and yes that is a sign of something good, they feel content especially if they are going to sleep.


We look forward to seeing pictures of your birds, especially if it has red feathers other than the tail, you have a red factor grey.

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another question. i have had the other bird home 3 days and i am back to square one. She wont even sit in a room with me. she jumps of her perch and just trys to get at the other bird. I cant stop the other bird tweeting. i am in the uk and the homes are small so even when musich on the tweeting is louder than the music. My partners birds just tweets contstantly if shes not out of the cage and interacting.


I feel i am spending 24/7 trying to bond and cannot keep them seperated without locking myself into a room. even when i do she just gets off and sits by the door listening.


Were do i go from here. then she just goes for him and follows my partner becasue she knows he has the bird

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