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You can cook them or give them raw. Try different things to see what your bird likes. Joshua loves steamed carrots, peas, potates, broccoli, beans, etc, etc, he'll eat pretty well any vegetable except tomatoes. He loves raw carrots as well.

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Well, you should just try to get him to take a lot of fresh stuff, and there are various ways you can do it. Some like it cooked. Some like it raw. Experiment, until you find the way he'll take it.

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So long as they are not super hot. A lot seem to like "warm" soft foods...If its too hot for you to eat then its too hot for them! Be careful if heating in the micro wave as it can heat unevenly leaving some areas super heated and others rather deciptively cool. Otherswise its largely going to be dependent on the individual birds preferences...;)

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Just try different veggies, different ways, cooked, raw, mashed, shredded, chopped, slivered or whatever form you want, and see what they seem to prefer. I think they like a lot of their cooked veggies to be warm like we like them, but experiment with various ways to see what yours prefers.

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I make a tablespoon of oatmeal for Boo about 3 times a week or so.

But he doesn't like his veggies cold.. so I rinse them in hot water to take the chill off. Sometimes he gets cooked ones. Depends on what's handy and what he had yesterday. I try to give him a variety.

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I have a bowl of porridge every morning and Joshua always has a couple of spoons of it. He loves it! He loves all his vegetables steamed (so do I).

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I buy bags of frozen mixed veggies and feed both "As is" and nuked until warm.


So far, I have not noticed a difference in how much my Parrots like them either way.


I give Dayo either some warm Oatmeal or various Baby Foods like squash, peas etc. He only eats around 3 spoonfuls, but I guess it satisfies the Baby in him :-)

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Three spoonfuls is a fair amount for a litte bird! It is just nice for them to have a full and warm crop. You might try Dayo with carrots and potatoes, steamed (or boiled or nuked) until they are just on the verge of softness. you can add a teeny amount of butter for taste. Joshua LOVES this.


New potatoes go down especially well. I don't know if Americans call them New Potatoes, or if it is an Irish and English thing. Those little 'baby' potatoes, I mean.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/15 22:21

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danmcq wrote:

Yes, we call them Baby potatoes here, so I know exactly what you are describing :-)


I meant to add, I give them to Joshua in little chunks (maybe half a small potato) and he holds them in his little furry paw and gnaws away. Very little is wasted.

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