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Captian Jack

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Hello everyone Im new here and soon to bring home my babyCAG I named him captian Jack CJ for short His hatch date is april 11th. I cant wait to bring him home. One thing thoug the breeder already cliped his wings before I could ask him not to - He is a sweet little boy.


I want to make sure I have everything ready when He gets home I already have a nice cage for him . Im worried that the perch that is in the cage is to big for him



and I wanted to know what to feed him when he gets home


I have alot more questions


thank you


Jacks mum

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Im worried that the perch that is in the cage is to big for him



and I wanted to know what to feed him when he gets home



Hi Jacks Mum, welcome to the forum! I bet your real excited about bringing your boy home. You will find tons of information here, so just take your time and look around some of the various rooms such as the food room, etc. Keep in mind that Greys as with all birds should get a varied diet of fresh fruits, veggies, pellets, nuts and some seeds as treats. Honestly I would ask the breeder what he/she is feeding him on and start out there though.


I have a question for you if I may..... You said in the quote above that your worried that THE perch in the cage might be too big for him. I don't know if this is a typo or what but it is always a good idea to have several different types of perches for your guy to stand on. Perches of all shapes, sizes and materials. Such as rope, smooth wood, rough wood, sandy perches (for trimming those nails and for him to fine tune his beak on), etc.


Anyway, I welcome you again and hope to see you around the forum and look forward to seeing some pictures of your new guy once you get him home!

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Congrats on getting your baby grey soon, what an exciting time waiting for it to come home to live with you and I like that name, no doubt in reference to the pirate movies with Captain Jack Sparrow and CJ for short.

Thats too bad the wings are already clipped, why do breeders just assume you want them that way but they will grow out and then he can get in his flying time.

You will find lots of ideas and suggestions for what to feed and offer your grey in the bird food room and also what you shouldn't offer, some foods are toxic to them.

I would love to see some pictures of him if you have any, certainly by the time you bring him home.

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Hi JacksMum congratulations on your new little boy! I always enjoying reading the excitement that others show when they talk about bringing their babies home. I can't wait to hear more about your Captain Jack. As for perches, I have four kinds of perches in my grey's cage. A cement night perch, a very curvy "wacky wood" perch, the uneven perch that came with my EzCare cage and the smooth round perch on a standard cage swing that I purchased for Ana Grey's cage. As for food, I started off with the same types of foods that my grey's breeder was feeding to Ana Grey when she was weaned. There are oodles of informative threads here at the forum to answer a lot of your questions, so read, read, read. If you have additional questions just ask in the appropriate forum room and someone will come along and help you out. Welcome to the Grey family!!

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Welcome JacksMum and congratulations!!! :)


I am shocked the breeder clipped those wings at such a young age < 8 weeks. They really need at least a little fledging time to build those flight neural networks and coordination. But, perhaps those primaries will still grow enough (If it was a long clip) that your grey will still be able to fly short bursts.


Are you able to visit the breeders and spend time with your baby grey? If so, I would sure love to see those cute photos. :)


Looking forward to hearing more.

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Cool! It is quite possible this is a sibling of our baby grey. And funny enough I very nearly named our baby Jack (after Jack Sparrow). My wife hated that name so we settled on Cosmo :P


Here is our introduction thread. We got Cosmo many weeks ago so the thread can give you an idea of how your baby has aged to reach the cute bundle of feathers and energy it is today :)



Good luck with your new baby, cant wait to hear more and see some pics :)

Edited by Mawnee
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Hello everyone this is a great forum I am so blessed to have found it . Thank you to everyone who has replied to my post . well here is a picture of Jack that I took last week. He is a cute little boy. I did name him after the pirate that is in the movie:D


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