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Other Birds!!


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:pI have come across some vital and important information about "Other Birds" that all pet owners should know...Read at your own risk...Maggie:confused:


# Budgie: See Parakeet. the word budgie means "good to eat" hmmmm


# Cockatoo (psittavelcro stickalotus): Loves you, loves you, loves you, COME BACK!!!! COME BACK, DON'T LEAVE ME!!! COME-- loves you, loves you, loves you, let me eat your watch, loves you....


# Cockatiel: Step right up, get your own Cockatoo -- half price, all the bird. 100% real Cockatoo, yessiree, this one here's just a baby, that's why it's so small. Get your own Cockatoo! Why, sure young lady, it will talk just fine! Note: Cockatiels can fire the .22 Conical Ball Cap round. Some cockatiels attempt to fire the .45ACP round, but those birds can't handle that round. cuddly and playful, these birdos make great pets, but don't show them Cheerios, or they will attempt to suck your brain out through your fingers.


# Parakeet (psittachickus millineumus): Catch-all term for about 1,000 different species of parrots. Attempts to define exactly what a Parakeet is has resulted in brutal fist-fights among taxonomists.


# Conure: Are rather small, but are capable of regularly producing sounds in excess of 160 Db, the threshold for instant deafness.


# Parrotlets: These tiny parrots are so small, they have been known to get lost by careless owners. One parrolet was lost for two weeks, until it was discovered eating the insulation in a bedroom wall.


# Quakers: See Budgie (They look just like them) Very social parrots that get together in large groups and squawk a whole lot, not unlike human Quakers. Don't let this fool you, though, these feathery little bastards are terrorists, wield steel, use guns and deal drugs. A community of 30,000 of them in Brooklyn have recently displaced the Mafia as the biggest local supplier of crack cocaine. Banned from ownership in 48 states because of their tendency to go on noisy drunken rampages and shoot up neighborhoods. The Office of Homeland Security has standing orders to shoot on sight. Thay like to steal cookies


# Galah: They would rather climb, jump and walk than fly a lot like your mom.


# The Beenie: (psitta toys r us plushus)parrot is native to Les Peluches, It is a totally quiet bird.


# Caiques: (psittarainbowus noflightus): lazy little multicolored parrots, They would rather climb, jump and walk than fly. (this is completely untrue) The correct name is mutlicolouress littless bastardess, these feisty little foe's are gaurantee to torment your life, your books your DVD's basically anything the little gets can get hold of, and them some

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# Conure: Are rather small, but are capable of regularly producing sounds in excess of 160 Db, the threshold for instant deafness.



This I believe without a doubt when she is sitting on my shoulder right next to my ear.


Thanks for the laugh. rotfl9.gif

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Ha, ha Spock! I love your descriptions of your fellow feathered friends. I see you have intimate knowledge of them all :) I was just wondering how you would describe your own species, Psittacus impicus ! ( opps, sorry must have been a typo! ) Love you Spock! :)

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