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Your grey's hallmark


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I know a couple of grey owners personally and observed how each of the birds have their own signature behaviour/trick/sound.

My grey, Charlie, has his "groan", which he does at all times. It can be a happy groan or a pissy one with a strong tone of "go away and die!".


I am curious to hear what kind of hallmark that your parrot has. It's always fun to hear, how these birds bring joy to our lives :)

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Well, Dayo has several, depending on the circumstances or time of day.


I guess to pull one out that is fairly rare to find in a nother grey, is I taught him to turn the kitchen water faucet on and off. It is one of those single handle faucets that you pull up to turn on and push down to turn off.


So, he loves being the "Water "Master". If I go to make coffe, he will quickly run or fly over, climb up and grab the handle with one Talon then lean back until it turns on. He will then hold it on until I fill the coffee pot. Then I say "Turn the water off" and he will lean back up and move forward which pushes the handle down and turns the water off.


The down side is, now if he wants one of our attention and we don't give it to him, he will go over and turn the water on until we come pay attention to him..... The brat! :P

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Yoshi's hallmark has to be that she would rather sleep on her 'sleep bowl' than anywhere else. I posted about it before. She has adopted an empty fourth bowl in her cage to sleep on every night, and no matter how I rearrange the cage and even with several other types of perches in there she always goes to her bowl to sleep. She is such a goofball :)


Here's the old link :P


Edited by jessdecutie18
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Cleo does this very cute "aaah" sound in a little girl's voice.


It came about when I had abdominal surgery some months ago, and was in a lot of pain, and would occasionally moan quietly to myself (or so I thought). The problem is now that both lorikeets AND Cleo sit there for hours on end and moan at each other.

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ozzie blows raspberrys everytime he has to go back into his cage or when he is not happy with something lol, and he has a terrible habbit of flying over and putting the kettle on (flicks the switchdownthen flies off) but his worst trait is that he defiantely knows when my hair has just been washed and styled as when I clean his cage each morning and it co incides with a hair wash day he tootles back and forward over the top of the cage trying to 'aim' at my head!

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Phenix turns a light off & on, repeatedly & laughs the whole time.


He figured out he can get on the back of one of the chairs & snap the light switch for the light on the other side of the glass door. He's just barely tall enough & it looks like it takes all of his strength.


I don't want him playing with anything electrical, but the first time I saw him do it surprised me & I broke down laughing. I was so impressed by how clever he'd been to figure it out. And he looked so proud of himself & was having such a great time. So, of course it was his favorite thing after that, no matter how often I chase him off it.

Edited by birdhouse
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The replies here are hilarious. They're all such complete individuals and so distinct. The behavior of my fids has made me look at the wild birds we have around the house in a totally different light. It was an epiphany for me realize that they're no different from our fids and they're all so precious.


I just posted in another thread that Willow is our counter top police. She methodically makes her way across all the counters in the morning and drops everything on the floor. Mail, silverware, keys, toys. Nothing is exempt. The counter must be clean! Nothing like having an OCD bird.

Edited by Lambert58
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So funny what they do! Brutus conveniently drops his heaviest toys into whatever I am cooking. Lately he has discovered how to turn on the kitchen light switch and the garbage disposal. I think he must be in his "terrible twos" because he has also started flying over our heads and "Bonking" my husband and I on the head with his feet. Not so cute, but funny nonetheless. He also has a special "cooing" noise he only makes for me.

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Well I don't know if this is Rene's hallmark, but it is definitely funny to watch.. Rene loves to steal my eye glasses, where ever and whenever lol he does some greyt flying maneuvers to snatch them on the way by or lands on the top of my head to hit me with the tip of his beak make a kissing sound and then grab the nose piece of the glasses and hes off!! I chase him around the house he giggles and my dogs chase me.. (on a side note he has NEVER bit them he just holds them in his feet and dances.

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