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Confiscated parrots


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Our wildlife department came out with a new regulation that the ownership of AGs and Amazons need to be declared. I visited the state's office his morning to declare the ownership of Cocoa. Here are the pics of 3 parrots which are confiscated by the wildlife department. These parrots require license to keep. The poor owners didn't have one. So these birds belong to the wildlife department now. We brought some organic sunflower seeds to feed the 2 friendly Toos.












Video of the Toos.

Edited by dhorje
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In Malaysia, certain pets need license or special permit to keep. Some species of animals' license had been frozen meaning license can't be issued anymore. We can't keep most of the native bird species and some non natives. Recently Sulfur Crested Cockatoo's license had been frozen. Now the authority is going to control the AGs and Amazons which all along do not need license nor permit to keep. All the owners of these species are required to declared these parrots before 28th this month or risk getting their birds confiscated.

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My concern, besides for the shocked owners, is what do they do with those birds? It is cruel to just keep them locked away in a cage at that facility or give to a zoo, than to leave them with the only people and life they know.

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Over my dead body!


What she said!!


I'm just concerned that those Malaysian officials are just going to use the information they gather for those "declared" birds to come and take them if they later decide to freeze their licenses. They'll know where to find them.

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There are no issues with existing license when the license for the particular species is frozen. New license will not be issued. The existing ones are renewable.

The problem here is they don't allow the owners to apply for the license nor they will issue license to the confiscated birds. I think my country is the only country in the world that has this kind of law. Can you imagine keeping lovebirds also need license here? Lovebird is so common and not even threatened. They breed so easily.

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I think my country is the only country in the world that has this kind of law.


Well it is a stupid law for one day nobody will be allowed to own any birds because if the people with existing licenses die off then no more can be issued, I guess that is what they want eventually for no one to own birds, how sad and unfortunate for young ones wanting birds in their life.

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