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Why does jackson have to put his beak on me??he dont bite but does at the same time..i try to love on him and give kisses and he bite me...i dont want him to think its ok bc when he gets older omg he will hurt....

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Why does jackson have to put his beak on me??he dont bite but does at the same time..i try to love on him and give kisses and he bite me...i dont want him to think its ok bc when he gets older omg he will hurt....

Jackson may be feeling his oats (so to speak) and learning how to use his beak. When he goes to beak you, Move your arm away and turn your head and say "I don't like that" in a normal tone of voice. He also uses his beak when he is climbing etc and may use it to climb on your hand or arm? He still doesn't know his own strength so he has to learn how to use it. As far as cuddling and giving him kisses, he may not want to be touched at that time. Maybe you can try at another time like when you are sitting down with him quietly and he is getting calmed down and ready for bed. Spock is still trying to establish his independence and still bites sometimes (LOL)

Hope this helps...


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It's a tightrope walk isn't it? LOL! Kito likes to "play bite" she gets all silly and bites her own leg and then wants to gently bite me. If she gets a little too much pressure I just tell her to be gentle and then she will put her head down for scratches as if to say she is sorry for playing a little too rough. I love her. :)

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i had a ag before that was a plucker..and i love toys lots of toys..i always want him to have something to do. he will be out when im home so when im not he will things to do inside also...he likes to play..





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thanks spock for putting on the pics...do u think he has to many toys???

;) Like Spock says, you can never have too many treats, too many seeds and too many toys...ha ha ha...:P

I say, just keep an eye out for those he doesn't play with or like and put them away for a later time.


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Jackson is so adorable Tanya and you do have lots of toys for him to play with, I like the way you have some on the outside so they are not all inside taking up valuable space, looks good to me, you have done a wonderful job with him.

Thanks Tanya for the pictures and thanks Jay and Maggie for posting them for her.

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IF Cricket is looking skinny, and also acting lethargic, and she sleeps a lot,

tell Crickets mom, Cricket has to go to a VET NOW! Raise the room temp! Give Cricket "PowerAid diluted with distilled water!!!!! And keep feeding formula AT LEAST 3 TO 4 TIMES A DAY!! If she's not feeding Zupreem Embrace formula, start now!!!! Please keep in contact!! keep a eye on Jackson's weight!! Your Friend Jayd


P.S. Thanks JJ'sHoney!!!

Edited by Jayd
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thanks jayd..i dont remmber how long it was..its seems like a few hours maybe bc i was working on his cage after i feed him..is every thing ok with him ???he is a pretty thing. i love him so much..but he wants to beak me all the time....jackson is doing good and is making lots of diff. nioses..which i love to hear. he seems happy..

about cricket she fall from the top today...she let go and fell from the top to bottom. i was gone out of town for the day and when i got back she called and i went to fed her and she told me as i was feeding her.she seemed ok but i was madd that she didnt take it more serious then she did. i feed her some and then i just went home...her cage is flat like mine but i just dont know about her cricket.i mean shes so much smaller then jackson. the other mommy said today how better jackson looks then hers.she went to get the oatmeal and no cricket want eat that or the beak appet.i just dont know what else to do anymore..

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ok sorry i just saw post #12..like i said i went over ther today and i feed her and i feed her last night. she ate great last night but she ate ok tonite..she has been playing some beaking at a few toys but sitting and watching everyone as they pass her cagee. that when i am there.i posted #11 about what i found out today with her falling.omg im just lost for words anymore..

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Thanks Mama, Your doing all you can, do you know why cricket fell? Try to get your friend to take Cricket to the vet. Don't worry that cricket is smaller then Jackson, Grey's come in all sizes! Try some papaya like Cheyenness, Do what your doing. Jackson's fine, I noticed his crop was full, Do me a favor,tomorrow, after you feed him, see how long it takes for his crop to empty? His biting should stop as he gets older, when birds play with each other, they get a beak full of feathers, we don't have feathers, so it hurts.lol Tell Crickets mom to pad the bottom of the cage, put newspaper over the towel, change the paper when it gets dirty!

Luv Jayd

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good morning..

well. not sure why she fell and no shes not taking her to the vet.she says shes fine...im to the piont that im ready to wash my hands of her about cricket bc she will do what she wants with ehr and im just wasting my breath with her...i hate to sound mean about it but i tell her things and it gets me nowhere. she thinks that cricket is weaning her self from her am feedings and that shes fine.ok i will watch jackson today with his crop to see how long it takes to empty....i do thank you so much for all ur help..jackson is doing good..

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Tanya you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink, you have done all you can and it is up to her now but she sounds like a know it all who is going to have it her way or not at all but I hope Cricket will do ok and I never have to tell her "I told you so"

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Mama, no one can ask anyone to do any more than you have. Don't give up on Cricket, keep talking to her mom. Tell her mom to try a little plain yogurt, Try a dad of peanut butter on the end of a spoon! Let me know what Jackson's crop looks like before his last formula feeding. Luv Jayd and Maggie

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hi there jayd its 7:00 and jackson crop looks empty.he eats again around 9 or 10.you wanted me tolet u know. do u want apic of him??hes playing on top of his cage having such a good time.he likes to play and chew on things...

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Thanks Mama, that's great, good Mama, good baby!! Jackson's really changing, huh! Watch his eyes from now until around a year old, it's amazing. Anytime you want to post photos, just send me some. Luv Jayd

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