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Loki has a vet appointment tomorrow


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Well, my lil Loki has an appointment at the vet tomorrow. He is worrying me sick. :( Has dropped weight instead of gaining it and is regurging after almost every feed (a lot) and I am NOT over feeding him. Far from it actually. He has zero feeding response and doesn't even cry to be fed in the mornings when he should be most hungry. His crop is emptying between feeds so I know that isn't the issue. Jayd and I have been back and forth in private messages over the past couple days and all my temps, techniques, etc are in line. So since these symptoms are still continuing I thought it was a fine time to bring out the "big guns" and get him seen by a professional. I am starting to think that he may have a bacterial infection going on. Besides the weight, regurging, feeding issues, his behavior is all normal for a chick his age.

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Morning, we think it's very smart to go to vet now. Did the regurgitating after each meal start yesterday afternoon? Wish we could have been there. you've doing good. We figured we'd see a change one way or the other in 1 day, which was increased regurgitation. You not being paranoid, your doing what you know is right. Please keep us all in contact... XX Maggie and Jay

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

wat are u feeding him exactly? wat do u have in that saringe? wat did the vet say?


lots of questions i know. but we needs to know this stuff to give the best advices.

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wat are u feeding him exactly? wat do u have in that saringe? wat did the vet say?


lots of questions i know. but we needs to know this stuff to give the best advices.


He has been switched to Zupreem from Kaytee. Vet appointment is tomorrow. Everything is pointing towards a bacterial infection.

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So since these symptoms are still continuing I thought it was a fine time to bring out the "big guns" and get him seen by a professional. I am starting to think that he may have a bacterial infection going on. Besides the weight, regurging, feeding issues, his behavior is all normal for a chick his age.


After hearing you've been seeking advice from Jay (Very Knowledgeable) on this and confirmed all actions you've been taking are correct. The vet is definately the right place to seek professional diagnosis.


Please keep us posted on how this goes. :)

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:confused: Hows Loki eating? regurgitating?



Well his last meal I weighed before and after and it says I got 25cc in him, then he "gurged" and I would say that after his round of regurgitating several times, he actually had about 20cc left in him. He is eating what a 3 - 4 week old would eat


He is quietly napping now

Edited by Loki'sMinion
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Well, we are back from the vet and I am more than a little surprised at the diagnosis. He said Loki has Sour Crop. Even though his crop is emptying he says that his crop is more than likely very acidic and that is why he is regurgitating his food. Suggests I treat him with Baking soda and water and do more frequent feedings with less cc's for a while.

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Did the vet look in the crop for any possible old food still in it?

If so, did he remove it?

Did he say whether your chick is dehydrated? This usually occurs during sour crop and you normally are advised to use some type of electrolyte solution to help rehydrate your bird.


I hope all is going well wth this dear baby.


Thanks for the update.

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No, he didn't look inside his crop. Said it was empty when he felt it. Said his lungs sounded good when he checked them and he wasn't dehydrated either.


Usually when you hear about sour crop, you hear about about slow crop or crop stasis.... so I was very surprised today when he said sour crop was the issue.

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I'm surprised [Dan] that Loki's crop wasn't checked! Vet do a CBC.?.? Add a little Applesauce or "Papaya" [right-on]to the formula. Alternatively, unflavored Pedialyte or Poweraid [better] fed every two hours for the next twelve. Raise the tank temp to 96-98 for a few days, they can get Sour-Crop if the temp is to low. Even though the baby, crop empty's, some times just a dab can sour..I'm glad you switched to Zupreem!!! Your really doing great.......Maggie and Jay

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I'm surprised [Dan] that Loki's crop wasn't checked! Vet do a CBC.?.? Add a little Applesauce or "Papaya" [right-on]to the formula. Alternatively, unflavored Pedialyte or Poweraid [better] fed every two hours for the next twelve. Raise the tank temp to 96-98 for a few days, they can get Sour-Crop if the temp is to low. Even though the baby, crop empty's, some times just a dab can sour..I'm glad you switched to Zupreem!!! Your really doing great.......Maggie and Jay


UGH! I had typed out a long response and I lost it.




Basically I had said I wasn't overly impressed with the man but was told by the vet's office that he is an actual avian vet. He is also my only option locally.


I already have some pedialyte here in my fridge and I have some papaya I had bought and mashed for him yesterday. I have already bumped his brooder up a couple degrees but will bump it up some more since you suggest having it up in the 90's.

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Thank you! Here are some alkaline foods:

Organic Baby Food Spinach

Organic Baby Food Carrots or cooked carrots

Organic Baby Food Peaches or Plums

Banana or Organic Baby Food Banana

Fresh Apricots

or All fresh (and pureed.) Hope these help. All will be fine now...Loki, get better and don't scare your momma! LOL

Maggie and Jay

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. All will be fine now...Loki, get better and don't scare your momma! LOL

Maggie and Jay


Well his name is LOKI

For all those that don't know, Loki is the God of mischief, a trickster, always up to no good


He is introducing me to the world of Greys in fine style LOL

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Great responses Jay!


I was wondering about the vet as well and why no tests were run etc.


I hope and pray Loki's crop stasis or slow crop issue (normally one of these fall under the generic sour crop label) is resolved by applying all you suggested Jay and that it is not a more serious illness that needs attention.

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OK bad news first.....


Loki lost a few grams from yesterday. He is down to 225g (6 weeks old tomorrow)


Good news......


I ignored the vet and gave him 25cc's last night before bed and he didn't "spew" any of it ;) Had a nice FULL crop to sleep on.


He also took 25cc's this morning and didn't spew any of it :)


If he keeps this up he should bounce back and be OK!!!

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