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In my opinion their is no real way to answer that question because just being in the same room can count as time spent "with" him as well. Like if he is in the living room and your sitting in there watching TV and occasionally turning and chatting to him during commercial breaks, etc. Actual one on one, physical time I would say an hour or two. But like I said, just walking by and talking to him, giving him scritches or handing him a treat, etc. It all counts in my book.

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The only thing that happens if all is good and he's accepting of you is a nice relaxed relationship which everybody wants. Dependent? In what way? You can spoil a bird and the bird can be a pain in the ass sometimes ( on your shoulder too much) but too dependent? I doubt it, especially with a 14 yr old adult pre owned bird who already has a set personality.There's other things that happen such as you not ignoring yelling which is bad. You need to show a little disapline because the bird needs to be independent but normally, greys are. SO, good luck and lets hope that your new but pre owned bird accepts all the affection and attention you give. We've got our fingers crossed.

Edited by Dave007
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I live alone and am retired. My grey, Ana Grey, has been with me since she was 4 months old. She will be 2 years old in August. From the time I get up in the morning until 7:00pm at night (unless I am not home or have repair people, strangers over) she is out of her cage. I have hanging perches and boings throughout the house so she can come and go as she pleases. At these perches and boings are foraging toys and other things to keep her busy. She likes to hang with me and usually flies from room to room as I move around. When she was unflighted she would walk from room to room. I do like to know where she is but have basically parrot proofed my home much as you would for a small child. She will usually come to me when I call her (come here) and if she doesn't I go looking to see what she is up to. I think it has to do with your parrot's personality. Ana Grey is fearless and was well socialized by her breeder. So I would have to say no, at least my grey is not overly dependent on me.

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