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Mother inlaw is worried about her Grey!


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My mother in-law is in town for the weekend (that term in town used loosely she is only a little under 2 hours away ) and left a feeding schedule for the bird as far as getting food at diffrent times of the day (neighbor) but she wants to stay in town one more day and cant get the neighbor to feed Louie (her TAG). I told her Im sure he would be fine for one day with out some one not changing his food seeing as how he gets way more in his bowel to pick threw than just the normal feeding ( I told her if she is giving him that much she doesn't need to change it every day just pick out the old seed shells but she doesnt listen likes wasting money) I was just wondering how long any one in here goes with out changing their food !

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Whenever you get a chance, go to a pet store and buy a food bowl. They have many types. I have a few that come with a ring which is attached to the inner wall of the cage. The bowl is then dropped into the ring. Stainless steel is a good one. There's never any rust and lasts for years. The cost is between $4 to $6 depending upon where it's purchased. It can be used for anything. It's easily removable and if you're worried, extra food can be put in. As far as how long a parrot can go without food, they can go for long periods of time like 2 days or more depending on the eating habits of your bird. Some birds flip their food and others don't. The more important thing that should be in the cage is water all the times. Extra water can also be put in that bowl.

Edited by Dave007
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Rene gets fresh water numerous times a day (he dips his pellets in) I change his pellets every other day but by then he has picked out his favorites and tossed the rest. Seeds are given in the afternoon, taken out before before bed, he receives maybe a few tablespoons and its all gone by then :) but his previous owner left seeds and pellets available all the time and would change them out every 2 days.. I hope that answered your question :)

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I'm just wondering has his being let out of the cage by the neighbour in the last few days.If not I'd want to get home as soon as possible. There's not been one day that George hasn't been out. As for food id say he will be fine. Is it the deep silver bowls? they hold loads of food!! Plus greys usually only pick out what they like and leave the rest so If he's hungry he can eat the bits he's not gone on :)

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"""""If not I'd want to get home as soon as possible. There's not been one day that George hasn't been out.""""""


That's a bad habit to get into. That's why it's always suggested that people buy large cages. That cage is the bird's home. He designs it, sleeps in it, eats in it, plays in it and puts his own particular touch to it.

A bird will be definitely be comfortable in his/her regular cage for a few days as long as there's food and water. Worrying that a routine that exists everyday but isn't being followed only makes things inconvenient for the owner. Basically, a person is letting the bird dictate what it wants. After a while it gets annoying for the owner. A person needs to show dissapline and let the bird know who's the boss.

Edited by Dave007
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