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Sleeping time!


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Aoodi always and always stays out of her cage, even when its sleeping time.. And I want her to get used to sleep in the cage every night, so I can cover her and make her sleep tight. How I do it? And should I make her sleep at specific time at night, even if she wants to stay awake?

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Well... the problem is, her cage is in the living room, where we almost stay awake late. I don't want her to be tired because of us... So I bough A new smaller cage and move her to other room where is quieter and make her sleep there and cover her so she sleeps tight... Is it good thing? Or I just remove this idea from my head?

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Its a very good idea

I have a small sleeping cage that I use for Kookie whenever I have guests or Im staying up late and it works fine, cos greys need to get around 12 hours of sleep. The good sleep maintains their health.


Concerning the sleep time, I know that greys like routine and a schedule. Try to put her to sleep daily on a certain time, use some specific words like good night or sleep time, or somethign you like

In the begining, Kookie used to be very nervous when I take him to his cage to sleep, so with the routine it gets better. I also give him some seeds and almonds when i take him to sleep, so now he doesnt resist when I say good night. He knows hes going to the cage and he knows that some gifts are waiting for him there, he directly starts looking for the almonds.

As for the cover, I dont really cover Kookies cage, he doesnt like it and feels nervous when he cant see whats going on around him, so I just turn off the light in his room, and keep the light on in the next room so he doesnt feel scared with the dark...

This is all a matter of what he feelscomfortable in and what he gets used to. Even some changes can be uncomfortable for greys, like a washing machine working at night in the nearby kitchen, or even aheater in his room in the winter, but they get used with time


i am sure you will find your own sleep routine for your baby, so best of luck



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I put Murphy to bed at around the same time each night & awakes when I get up. Kate leaves him covered up as she goes to work early & Me & Murphy like a lie in :)


We have been doing this since we got him. He goes to bed the same time as our baby daughter, this way he gets his 12 hrs & Ella-Rose doesn't get woken up by him.

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