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considering a CAG


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My wife and I are considering getting a CAG.


It will be our first bird.


Presently we have two Dobies, a cat, a rat and a tortoise.


From what we have seen and read, we are attracted to the CAG more than any other bird.


Something about they way they look.


One shop owner is steering us to Amazons. He claims that they handle more wild households better. Every trait that he sites as negative about a CAG we feel suites our personality better. We are very laid back and probably considered boring people. Typical Friday night has the dogs sleeping on the floor. While we sit on the couch with the cat, the Tort and rat within site as we watch Animal Planet.


We are looking at a nearly weaned bird, two feedings a day. Our concerns are we are that we are up at 4:00 A.M., out of the house at 5:30 A.M., and back at 5:00 P.M. during the workweek. When we get home we are in bed by



This would mean a short morning feeding and maybe ½ -1 hour direct interaction in the evening.


Would this be enough interaction?


We usually get up the same time on weekends to feed the cat and let the dogs out, then back to bed for a few more hours.


Are there any unforeseen problems with the rest of the animals?


We are also concerned about the bird bonding with only one of us.


O.K., I'm tossing the ball in and waiting to see what I get back.

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Guest SkullCrusher

If I were you I would let the breeder finish the handfeeding/weaning process.

Just visit the bird as much as you can in the meantime.


I would think the only one that doesn't pose a threat to the bird would be the tort. :)

Don't get me wrong.. there's plenty of bird/dog - bird/cat - bird/rat households out there who live happily.

Just got to be careful. REALLY careful. Do a google search on "parrot cat saliva".


Here are some of the possible scenarious

Bird loves you and hates hubby bird loves you and tolerates hubby bird loves you and loves hubby bird hates you and loves hubby bird tolerates you and loves hubby bird hates both of you and loves the Tort' bird hates the dogs, tolerates you and the tort, hates hubby and cat.

LOL...... the possibilities are endless... just make you BOTH have equal contact with the bird. Just expect the unexpected.


And I congratulate you on doing your homework BEFORE you get the bird. :)

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Guest Miandruil

I agree. Cyndr is like having a baby that never grows up. He constantly demands attention and gets it. Not always the need for touching but vocalizing is a must. Except when I'm petting the dogs (thanks to OldMolly' advice). Cyndr also loves "playing" with his dogs. He also calls them and then throws food down to them. The thing about Cyndr is he doesn't care who is around. Everyone sees him for what he is. He just does his thing. After all it is HIS house lol.

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