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Nilah my trouble maker...


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Below is a picture of 2 items that Nilah got herself into trouble with. The ring she managed to get stuck around her neck one day when I was at work and Nilah was on her tree stand in the living room while my daughter was watching tv. She called me at work, told me not to panic, but that Nilah had this ring around her neck under her feathers and wouldn't let my daughter get it off. (the latest fashion in amazons ya know) My daughter was afraid that Nilah would get caught on something until I got home. So, I instructed her to get a straw and try and give it to Nilah, but play a little game of tug-o-war with her while she snuck up her other hand and quickly pulled it over her head and off of her. Well, it worked!!


The small bead was one of many in a toy that she managed to get loose and didn't want to let go. I was afraid she would swallow it....so I removed the toy..:(



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That Nilah is a stinker isn't she Penny but loads of fun, too bad your daughter didn't capture a pic of her with that ring around her neck before she managed to get it off but I know removing it was first and foremost on her mind at the moment, gosh what will she get herself into next, can't wait for the next adventure of Nilah.

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Judy, she did get a picture of it, I will have her post it. Yesterday, I was gone for the day visiting my sister and my father for fathers day, and my kids were gone visiting their dad. The birds were alone in their cages from 12pm until I got home around 7 om. When I walked in the house, Nilah was screaming 'BIRD!, HI BIRD!!" over and over, louder and louder...she wouldn't shut-up! So I went into my living room to look in the den at them. Well....................Nilah had somehow unlatched her snack bowl door, climbed out thru it, up to the top of her cage, across the top...onto the window pane, which was hanging off the window balancing...and she was hanging off. Wood chewed everywhere.........she had knocked the wireless modem onto the floor, chewed up the wooden window pane also. Wood was all over the love seat which is next to her cage!! What a mess...:(


Boy, was she proud of herself!!! :)

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Nilah certainly can be a little stinker!!!! I enjoy hearing about her and the mischief she can get into. She really keeps you and your family on your toes. By the way Penny, how old is Nilah now????



Nilah is 8 months old... Her favorite thing to say is....."I WANT TO GO TO STARBUCKS!!! "

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Nilah is 8 months old... Her favorite thing to say is....."I WANT TO GO TO STARBUCKS!!! "


Thats because she hears her mommy say that all the time, your favorite place! lovecoffee.gif


Oh boy I can't wait to see that picture, tell her to hurry up and post it, times a wasting!

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