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Kopi is a toot


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We have had Kopi for three months and I have not been able to get him to enjoy his play stand. I put a ladder from the cage to the stand and secured it with zip ties. I put lots of fun toys on it and he will climb one rung on the ladder and lean to get the toys but hasn't wanted anything else to do with it. I even put peanut butter successively higher up the rungs and he would just go so far. We are making progress because at first I would put him on the stand and he would fling himself to the floor. Now, he goes to the ladder and climbs down in a big hurry, talon-over-beak. He reminds me of a blind fellow rushing out of a burning building. Well, Java flew to his stand and he came right out, up that ladder and forgot he didn't like getting on the stand. They postured a little but no one got hurt at their first successful "meeting". However, after all was said and done, Kopi climbed up when I wasn't looking, clipped off all the zip ties and flung the ladder off the stand. He is pulling up his drawbridge and filling the moat to keep intruders out, I guess.


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Kopi is making slow and steady progress. About a month ago, I found a portable baby crib/playpen for only thirty dollars at Target and put his floor stand in it to keep his wood carvings out of reach of our small dogs. As an added bonus, it apparently made Kopi feel more secure. On the first day, he fell off a perch and when he saw he was contained, in one great jump he hopped to the rail of the playpen, and then climbed back to perch. He climbed a rope for the first time and he is now fourteen months old. His favorite place is the center of the stand where he goes to play with his toys, he will occasionally climb to the top, but hasn't learned to climb back down yet. He is very quiet and shy, but he is such a dear. When Java comes out of her cage every day, he is in a big hurry to get on the stand to defend his turf. They do not seem interested in fighting, but I am on guard every second as we very very slowly are watching them agree to live in the same house. LOL.

first time climbing.jpg

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I know Kopi was sent to me for a reason, and Java may be just that reason. If it were left to him, he might choose one preferred spot on the top of his cage and huddle there for the rest of his life. I keep trying to find ways to get him moving and unlock the grip of tension that ties the little guy into a knot. Slowly I see him move and accept new toys, to accept a walk to the kitchen and back and to expand his horizon. But, nothing compares to letting Java out of her cage to put him into high gear. At first it was defensive and territorial and I watched carefully to make sure they didn't hurt each other and kept the exchange to a few seconds while I stood ready to separate them. Then, I noticed if Java flies out, he will chase her. He will have more activity in a half hour after she touches "his" stuff than most days in a twenty four hour period. Also, after she has been on his play stand, he will climb to the top to survey his kingdom. The last time she took advantage of him climbing to the top (and not being able to get back down) so she climbed right into his cage for the first time. I stood back to watch. He seemed totally aloof and unconcerned, it was the stand that he was defending. She went from one end of the cage to the other in a reconaissance mission... checked to see if he had anything she didn't, it took less than a minute, then she climbed back out, flew to her own cage and has not gone after him again. Five months seems like a long time to get acquainted, but I keep seeing progress. In this case, grey time is teaching me the meaning of the word patience.

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