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Please help put an end to this!

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My guess is that most people owned by and who care about parrots have a certain respect for all wildlife. Someone posted a link to me on my facebook profile, it was a link to a video of sharks being finned on a fishing boat, I won't post it on here as it upset me. I could see the pain in the shark's eyes and it was horrible to watch - imagine for one moment having an amputation with no anethetic and you get the idea. Please read this and do all you can to help. http://www.stopsharkfinning.net/


The cruellest of all creatures is man who doesn't kill only to eat but in many cases for pleasure, it's a cruel world and sometimes I'm ashamed to be part of the human race.

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My God this is so cruel


Please circulate this around, it will make a difference. I have already posted the link on my facebook...lets get others aware...


Thank you so much for your help, you are right every one of us can make a difference. Just because an animal isn't cute and cuddly doesn't mean they aren't entitled to the same respect as the cuties of this world.

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