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Hi, Grey owners! My name is Sherry and I just purchased my first parrot - an African Grey! I found this beautiful bird at a local flea market. He is 14 years old and very friendly with anyone. A friend was with me who has a grey and is used to handling parrots. After we got him home and set up his cage (by the way - he cost $650 with his cage and bird stand, toys, etc. His parents split up and that is why they got rid of him). He is a very calm stable bird. My friends husband came over and the bird stepped right up on his finger. Ok - here is the problem. I am afraid to try to pick him up without anyone with me who knows what they are doing. After they left, I put my hand in his cage to pick him up and he put his beak around my finger and bit pretty hard. He is not cage agressive as everyone else was able to pick him up inside his cage. My friend told me to leave him inside his cage until Friday to let him acclimate. She will be over on Friday to help me. I also took a stick to have him step up on that and he didn't like it. My question is - how should I approach getting him acclimated and getting myself braver about handling him. He is a really great bird!

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Hi Sherrie and welcome to the forum, it is great to have you on board.


Firstly, I hope you didn't buy your grey on a whim as they are not a beginners pet and take a lot of looking after, they require a lot of time and money.


Don't worry too much about your grey biting right now, he is new to your household and I'm sure he senses your nerves and hesitation. You will have to be more bold as you must assert yourself as head of the flock but before all that you must earn his trust. Try offering treats from outside the cage and talking to him softly at least until he is settled in his new surroundings, this could take days or weeks to acheive. It could be that your lil guy prefers males at this moment in time but this may change as he gets used to you.


Please know that we are here for you should you need more guidance but it is far too early for you to be worrying about your grey's behaviour right now.


Does your grey have a name yet?

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Thanks for your help. I know that I have to be more assertive. I kind of bought him on a whim. I have always wanted one and a friend of mine has a young one. She always told me that if I do get one to get a baby. Well, she thought this guy (his name is Winter) was such a great bird and at such a great price that it would be a good idea to buy him. Please note the pet store owners and my friend and her boyfriend have no problem whatsoever picking him up. I know it is just me. When he puts his beak on my I jerk my hand away which I know I am not supposed to do so any other suggestions would be great!

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It's all in your body language from the sound of it. You are nervous and he is reacting to your jerking away, etc. You need to work on your confidence and he will come around. Let him settle in a while and work on giving him treats and such like Jooles suggested. During that time you need to work on your confidence. Your sending him mixed signals asking for him to step up and then jerking away like you are.

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Pre-owned birds usually come with a cerain amount of baggage, having said this your winter sounds pretty well adjusted, you will have to be patient with him and hopefully in time you may feel more confident handling him.


I will leave it to other members to chip in with their comments as they may have other suggestions. :)

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And keep this in mind also...... Not every time he reaches for you with his beak is he intending to bite you. Some birds use their beak to stabilize themselves as they are stepping up onto you.


This is true so maybe he is just trying to hold on to your finger/hand while stepping up

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Hi Sherry, congratulations on joining the Grey family. Winter sounds like a lovely grey. It is important that you relax and overcome your anxiety when around Winter. Winter is sensing your nervousness and greys are so intuitive and intelligent. I would suggest you talk to Winter and get to know him. Offer him treats and verbally interact to him. Believe me he will understand a lot of what you are saying. There are oodles of threads here with a lot of helpful information so read, read, read. If you have any questions just ask and we will try to help you. So relax and enjoy your new friend, greys are great companions.

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I know it is not Winter - it is me! Because my friends have no problem reaching into his cage and having him step up. I also undertand that they do use their beaks to stablize themselves. But, the one time I did ask him to step up while I was alone - he did bite me! Hard enough to hurt. He did not growl though.

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:) Welcome, your going to be ok. Please don't be assertive or bold, this is never good with a Grey, it's something you never have to do. Be the opposite, when your with your baby, sit by the cage and read to him, a comic book, cookbook, it doesn't matter, show him pictures as you read, rest your arm on his cage door, let him come to you, don't rush him. :)No stick now, it can come later. build his trust in you by being there, not with treats.

Listen to what he says, in action and sound, he will talk to you and tell you what he wants. If he's aggressive, say "don't bite", softly, and walk away ignoring him. Come back shortly like nothing happened.:)

When ever your around your baby, be calm, he can read your emotions, so pretend the best you can, then leave the room before letting out any frustrations! Rescuing a rescue is one of the hardest things a person can do! You can do it, just be there for this sweet baby.:)


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Welcome Sherry and XXXXXXX? what his name, it's GreYt having you here. :)


The others have given good advice to consider.


A couple of thoughts. The stick probably threatens him, that is not something you want to try again at this point.


Right now, is the getting to know each other time. As the others said, go slow and easy. Sit by the cage and takl to him, offer a treat like a washed grape, almond etc. as a peace offering.


I she flighted? If not, let him out of the cage, but when you feel comfortable to have him step-up wih no fear in your heart at all. This will only come when you feel comfortable with him and you should see him lift his foot when you ask "Step-Up" or when you put your hand in the cage and he wants to come out, he will lift his foot. You can tell by language such as eye's pinning and feathers fluffing that he does not wish to come out or step-up. If you see that, just talk softly, tell him it's OK and he's a good boy. At his age, he understands human expressions and language very well.


What is his diet? Does he play with toys?


Very interested in hearing more about this Grey and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :)

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I know the bites hurt. Trust me! I have been instantly dropped to my knees before by a Double yellow head amazon :(


Like Jayd said, it all takes time. It may sound silly just sitting there and reading aloud but it will mean the world to your new guy. Just being there and spending time near him. Not asking anything of him. It works wonders. I have even used this method on horses of all things and seen fantastic results! Usually in the end, curiosity wins.

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Thanks for all the responses. The reason I took him is because he is such a good guy! The pet store workers love him and were happy to see him go to a good home. They were surprised he was so well adjusted being 14 years old and out of his environment. I guess I just have to understand the body language, etc. of a grey. I will look on this forum to find out what I can.




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Thanks for all the responses. The reason I took him is because he is such a good guy! The pet store workers love him and were happy to see him go to a good home. They were surprised he was so well adjusted being 14 years old and out of his environment. I guess I just have to understand the body language, etc. of a grey. I will look on this forum to find out what I can.





Know what I like the most about you? The fact that you searched out a place and people and actually asked for help! :)

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Thanks for helping me. Winter is a he. He really is a very well-adjusted 14 year old! I bought some really good pellets - the name escapes me - supposed to be the best and dried fruit. I am offering him carrots, etc. to earn his trust. He has his own toys in a very large cage. He is quite funny because when I leave the room, he really talks alot! He also loves music and dances. I can't wait to get to know him.

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can I open the door when I come home tonight to let him out - without trying to touch him?

By all means , welcome winters with open door, don't worry about he stay in or coming out, Can he fly? If not, to be safe, put a blanket where he might fall if he should jump.


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Hello Sherry and welcome to our family, congrats on giving Winter a forever home but you realize since he is 14 years old you have some work cut out for you, it will not be so easy to win his heart and his trust but it can be done, you must be very patient with him and give him lots of time to get used to his new home.

Yes please open his door and see if he will come out on his own, you can talk to him softly and maybe play with one of his toys to entice him to join in or at least be curious about it. Some greys become protective of their cages so it might be best to allow him to come out on his own and then try to get him to step up but I sense that you are hesitant to put your hand in the position to get him to step up and if you are afraid then he can sense that and that is why he is biting you, you must not hesitate just do it. The others you have mentioned that have been successful at getting him to step up have been confident in the way they go to him and show no fear, you would be surprised at how well they can sense your apprehension.

The others have given great advice and if you follow their ideas and suggestions then you should do fine, just don't expect overnight success as you are dealing with an adult grey who has baggage and is set in his ways.

Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

Now all we need is some pictures of Winter, hint, hint!

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Something I have read before on the forum if you are getting your fingers chomped, close your fist tight so he can't get a grip and offer him your forearm to step up. I have noticed that the pinch doesn't hurt near as much on an arm. You will learn his body language soon and it will get easier. It is fun to know he is talking when you are not in the room, he may be trying to entice you back. Kopi talks at certain times of the day, but whenever I go out on the sun porch where he can see me he really goes into overdrive and I think he is trying to get me to come back inside with him.

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Something I have read before on the forum if you are getting your fingers chomped, close your fist tight so he can't get a grip and offer him your forearm to step up. I have noticed that the pinch doesn't hurt near as much on an arm. You will learn his body language soon and it will get easier. It is fun to know he is talking when you are not in the room, he may be trying to entice you back. Kopi talks at certain times of the day, but whenever I go out on the sun porch where he can see me he really goes into overdrive and I think he is trying to get me to come back inside with him.


You brought up two very good points there. The forearm idea is great! I used to use that with the Amazon I mentioned earlier in this thread (The one who dropped me to my knees in pain). I agree about him talking when your out of the room, he very well may be trying to get you to come back.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

wlecome to the grey family. we look forward to helping u out with ur new grey. there is always xtra room in our luvnest 4 another member.

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