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Hawkins First Word


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Hi all,


Today Hawkins learned his first word. He has said other things that almost sound like words or even are words but said only once and never again. Today, however, he learned the word "no". And he learned it with a vengeance! He has been saying it often. He said it to the dog when she started barking. He said it throughout me preparing dinner. And best of all, when I was serving fathers day dessert and no one came to help me take the plates, I called out, "hey can anyone come help me serve please?" he immediately responded, "NO".


He clearly loves the response he gets from us. We all laugh and say "no" back in the same funny parrot voice he is using. But it is a clear word and not just an approximation.


He also said "hello" twice today but it wasn't as eventful as his "no".



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well he seems to have quieted down for the evening. I was thinking about the things he said today while figuring out his word "no". He said, "hello" twice. and one time he blended hello and no and said, "hellno!" This was definitely not something he hears at my house. And my husband said he heard something similar to "okay". So my guess is Hawkins is working on the sound of "o" and what he can do with it.


It certainly gives me a laugh. These guys are so silly sometimes. They really seem to have a sense of humor too.

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Well, it seems he may actually be starting to understand what it means. Here is what happened today: Hawkins is not allowed to land on our dogs for his safety. One of them is totally docile but the other is slightly unpredictable. Anyway, it would be a rule for me no matter what as he seems to love dogs and we go out to parks. So in the past when he has tried to land on one of the dogs, I say, "no landing on the dogs" and take him back to the cage. After three times of this, he stopped. He hasn't done this on 6 weeks. Today he landed on the docile dog again. I said, "no landing on the dogs" and put him in the cage. He then proceeded to say "no" about four times then began to play. It could be coincidence but it reminded me of my kids learning safety rules and how they would repeat them out loud to themselves after breaking one (or even while breaking one).

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He is smart and I wouldn't doubt that the word NO has meaning to him. As you made reference to young children learning the meaning quickly, so do these brilliant greys. It's just getting them to obey it, is the problem, again like a child. :P

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That is so funny! New words are so exciting. Cherish these precious memories - did you get it on video? I wish I'd kept a word journal for Alfie's talking milestones - I still should, but I'm so crap at keeping a diary!

Congrats on Hawkins first words!

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