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Things our greys say...


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I looked for the thread where everyone (including myself) posted things our greys say...I recently updated my album/blog on my site and wanted to post it on that thread but I couldn't find it...so I thought I would just start over...I don't know how to make it sticky...or is that appropriate? I'd love to see what other greys say/mimick...here's this list of what Harrison says and the dates I added them to the album...



I love you

Hi/hello baby

Whatcha doin?


Hiya Hotlips



Hello bird

Harrison is a (very) pretty biiiiiirrrrrd

Pretty cool

It's OK


Added 4~12~07

Feed the geckos?

You're a good boy. (lol)

How's my baby?

I'm sorry

Hello Buddy

How are you?

He just started saying "no" when he doesn't want to do something. :)




Where's Heather?

I'm Sorry

gootchie-gootchie goo

Go On



I'm trying to teach him "Tell me about it, stud"...you know, the famous line in "Grease"...so far he says "Tell me about it, SSSSS"


He said "Tell me about it, Stud" perfectly. He doesn't always say it perfectly, but most of the time he does.


He's also saying different variations of the phrases in the first group. Like "Whatcha doin boy?" or "Whatcha doin Harrison?" He beeps like the microwave, makes belching and farting sounds, whines like the dog, wolf whistles, and he also kinda mumbles in my husbands voice...I'll say "what did you say?" to my husband...and he didn't say anything at all...it was Harrison.



Since we've found out that Harrison is female, we've been talking to her as such. She's learned a few new phrases...


Pretty Girl

Good Girl

Wanna Come out and Play?

She's also barking like our dog...she talks to the dog but I can't understand her...she says "blah blah...Sandy!!" (the dog's name)


I had a sneezing episode yesterday and after each sneeze, my husband said "bless you"...well, this morning, Harrison made a sneezing sound and said "bless you" right after. ha.



La Dee Da

Yummy yummy yummy

Stop it Sandy

and she's regularly making sneezing sounds and saying "bless you"



You Go Poopie?

(female voice) "Honey?!"~(male voice) "What?!"

It's alright

Ok bye bye

Bye bye Harrison

You're a good bird, yes you are

Come here


She makes the sound of a soda pop opening

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Guest briansmum

Brian talks very occasionally, so far i've heard


what ya doin? but it comes out like "whaooin" :laugh:


good boy


kissy sounds


he recently stayed at my mums and has said "ssshhi.." a couple of times.. no prizes for guessing what that's supposed to be. bad parents, bad bad parents :laugh:


he barely says these, it's like they just slip out every now and then, but for 6 months i think it's pretty good :)

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Alfie & Freddie are 8 months old & started to talk at 6 months, many people said they wouldn't talk as there was two of them.Talking was never an issue to me & it's a bonus they both have learned some words.


Good Boy

Give us a kiss

Whos a pickle

Hello mum

Hello coco

what now

they cluck like chickens

A wonderful telephone

Wolf whistle


Coco has only been with me a month & is 14 months old & was kept as a single bird she only says Hello Coco but whistles the most wonderful tunes.

I will be very interested if sshe learns from the boys, or if the boys will stop ? Time will tell :)

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That pickly quote is funny! :P


Kip is 1yr 2 months and this is what she has down well so far:




Good girl

Good girl Kippy!

I love you

Kip Kip Kip Kip....


Hi Kip


Come here

Come on

You're OK

Its OK

What a good girl

Watcha doing?

Go poo!


A, B, C, I !!!

Gimme a kiss

Step up, good girl

No bite!

Bye Bye!!

Quack Quack Quack!

Want water

"Phone ring", Hello?

heheh haha heheh!! (laugh)

fart noise

Cat call

Bomb drop (eeeeeeeew, splat!!)

various whistles<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/22 06:34

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Guest briansmum

theres some good stuff there, way to go Kip!.. i do have one question though, ABC..I?? what happened there then? LOL :laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well that is about right, my Josey did not say a word until she was around a year old, some talk sooner, some later. She will start saying more as time goes on, and one day you will probably wish she would shut up. They do love to mimic common sounds from around the house.

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Mine is just shy of 6 months and he doesn't "talk" yet but has a good sound affect vocab...


He does:

Sexy Whistle

Lazer beam ::bew bew bew beeeewwww::

my giggle

my laugh

evil laugh

Three Stooges laugh

both dogs barks

Finch noises


something that sounds like WOW...does ONLY after going potty and I think a couple more but I can't think of them right this second.


Is this pretty good for a CAG thats only 5 months and one week old?

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