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I wanted to put a post up to say how i feel sometimes having parrots hopwe you do not think me strange and would like to ask if you feel the same?


First off id like to say i love my parrots and would not be with out them and my only wish is that i have them long ago before now. OK here goeshad for me to put in to words..


I sometimes feel that when you are asked what pets do you have and you say birds or parrots they give you that look as if to say they should be in the wild not your front room ect and it just gets me thinking?. I know most of our birds are captive bred BUT if we did not want them/not a demand for them they would be!. I hope you are getting what i am saying not very good at long posts :mad:. Id like peoples views on this as it means alot to hear them on this topic makes me sad for them in many ways but i like you all give the guys everything they need BUT is this enough?.



Please make a post but speak from the heart.




i know im strange :P

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A Grey is a wild animal removed from the wild, bred to be companions. They are long removed from being able to take care of themselves but not so long as to forget at times they're still wild...so it's up to us to make sure we protect them. We're the reason they demand all this attention. We removed them from the wild.


Our true feelings.....Jayd and Maggie

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Parrots have been kept as pets for 4000 years. So it is nothing new that you or I have a pet parrot. However, we do need to be proactive today about HOW they are captured/transported/bred, etc., as there are scoundrels in the world who can be inhumane.

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However, we do need to be proactive today about HOW they are captured/transported/bred, etc., as there are scoundrels in the world who can be inhumane.

And also what is being done to their natural habitat!

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I don't think it's strange at all to think about these things... I bet most of us here have wished our birds had had a chance at freedom before. I know it's been brought up. But honestly, the birds we have, bred and raised by humans, are not capable of living like those wild birds free in that lovely Youtube video. If I felt that I had Yoshi entrapped here against her will and that she would be much better off in the wild then I couldn't bear to keep her. But no, she was raised by hu,and, bred and exists because of the popularity of these 'pets'. If there wasn't a demand for these guys, most of our lovely babies would never have been born. Now healthy breeding of these parrots and wild trapping and shipping are totally different things. I hate to hear of the trapping and wild caught greys, but I don't know what else I can do to prevent that. All I do know is that all these human bred birds in captivity deserve love, care, attention, and everything we can give them to satisfy all their needs. I'm fine with breeding... I love seeing all the parrot babies growing up with their loving breeders and then being sent to a loving forever home... The problem starts with human nature. The greed of companies and stores raising these birds only for profit, and the lack of time and commitment some give these guys when they come into their home. I think the problem is people don't realize just how wild these birds still are at heart, and that it is the owners that must provide for and adjust for the bird, not just expect the bird to adapt and be a simple pet. It's a very complicated thing, and I wish I could save every bird out there on Craigslist and in people's spare rooms, starving for attention and abandoned by all they know, but we just can't. All I can do is love my little Yoshi to no end, and deal with any struggles we have instead of giving up on her.

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well put many thanks for you all posting been thinking about it for a while felt sad asking it to be honest but thought lets go for it. The utube video sums it up and shows the other side to the story.

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I have always enjoyed this video. It does indeed stir up strong emotions. :)


I know the strong feelings of wishing we could give them the life the have missed out on, as I feel them myself.


We can only our best to provide them with plenty of opportunities to use the wild skills they all have through generational instincts they were born with. By providing these, rewarding them, caring for them and most importantly loving them. They will not miss what they do not know and they will thrive as they share their lives with us.


Thanks for posting this video and your thoughts. :)

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