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For Jillybeanz and those taking a break from here :)


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Well, don't worry, I'm not asking why Jill is gone. I don't feel like talking about who is right and who is wrong. I'm sorry about all the hurt feelings going around here... I don't like that all these threads are getting locked down, but who cares here what I want? Apparently this forum has stricter rules than I realized, and while I am frustrated there is probably nothing I can do. Honestly, all I can think about is that I am really going to miss some of you guys. I loved Jill's posts and her personality, never thought anything bad about her. We all make mistakes, and it's unfortunate that she feels upset enough to leave.


Jill, if you read this, please reconsider and come back. I'm sure I speak for several when I say that your posts mean something. We are very sad that you are gone!


In the meantime, the forum will still be here, and yes we will all move on. But that doesn't mean that each individual here isn't important in some way. We all learn from each other. When someone decides to leave, and so many people are fed up and 'taking a break' please don't tell me that the managers of this forum are just going to say 'oh well, life moves on, if they don't abide by our rules they should go' and try to forget the whole thing.


This area is for 'feed-back', and my feed back is that I am unhappy with how things have been dealt with from both sides. If everyone who is unhappy with how the forum is run is just supposed to leave then why have a feed-back section at all. Feed-Back is important. Knowing what people don't like or are upset about is important.


I probably have more to say but can't think about it right now. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I love this forum and the people in it. I just don't like feeling that we can't complain when we are upset with something. Also, I know that when someone with so many posts decides to leave or take a break for awhile, we are all the ones that loose out... :(

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Please come back, every single person who left. The forum is not the forum with out you, were incomplete. We miss you, each and every one of you, you are important, you are what makes the forum what it is...Even if we don't always agree, your still needed. I'll tell you how important you are, all of you, If any one left because of me, you come back and I'll leave for you, so you can be here!!!.


Edited by Jayd
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Jess, yes it is very sad when ANY member chooses to leave for whatever reason. :( I personally get very sad when I see that happen.


Threads get locked for many different reasons, some which you may or may not understand. Iit is never my desire to lock a thread. But when members are name calling and making accusations against other members and the mood of the forum turns to more negative issues which don't pertain to the reason most of us are here (birds), then we are forced to shut it down before further harm is done. When that isn't done before things get out of hand, then members get mad, hurt and upset and decide to leave. There are many forums on the internet that aren't monitored or let members bash each other, foul language is allowed, etc. We at Greyforums prefer to run this forum in a different manner. Some will like it here and some will not. Over the years as admin, I have found that no matter how hard I try, I can't please everyone, so I do the best I can.

There is much that goes on behind the scenes in trying to handle much of the things that hurt others who decide to leave, sometimes my hard work pays off and sometimes it doesn't. Members choose to leave because they aren't used to the way forums are, they have a hard time not taking posts, comments, etc personally and they decide to sadly leave.....:(


I hope that gives you a glimpse into why things are the way they are around here. But as for not allowing someone to voice their opinion, that never was and never is the case.


As I CONTINUALLY state in many messages when things get out of hand and in many pm's when a member feels hurt and contacts me. EVERY member is important, EVERY member has something special to add to this forum, EVERY member is valued, EVERY member is cared about, EVERY member is free to voice their opinion (without hurting another) and EVERY member deserves to be treated with respect. I try very my best to see that those things happen.

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Jess, yes it is very sad when ANY member chooses to leave for whatever reason. :( I personally get very sad when I see that happen.


Threads get locked for many different reasons, some which you may or may not understand. Iit is never my desire to lock a thread. But when members are name calling and making accusations against other members and the mood of the forum turns to more negative issues which don't pertain to the reason most of us are here (birds), then we are forced to shut it down before further harm is done. When that isn't done before things get out of hand, then members get mad, hurt and upset and decide to leave. There are many forums on the internet that aren't monitored or let members bash each other, foul language is allowed, etc. We at Greyforums prefer to run this forum in a different manner. Some will like it here and some will not. Over the years as admin, I have found that no matter how hard I try, I can't please everyone, so I do the best I can.

There is much that goes on behind the scenes in trying to handle much of the things that hurt others who decide to leave, sometimes my hard work pays off and sometimes it doesn't. Members choose to leave because they aren't used to the way forums are, they have a hard time not taking posts, comments, etc personally and they decide to sadly leave.....:(


I hope that gives you a glimpse into why things are the way they are around here. But as for not allowing someone to voice their opinion, that never was and never is the case.


As I CONTINUALLY state in many messages when things get out of hand and in many pm's when a member feels hurt and contacts me. EVERY member is important, EVERY member has something special to add to this forum, EVERY member is valued, EVERY member is cared about, EVERY member is free to voice their opinion (without hurting another) and EVERY member deserves to be treated with respect. I try very my best to see that those things happen.


Very well said, thank you for the better explanation and noting that everyone is important, as well as what they feel and say. :)

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I think from time to time we all get angy about something or other we don't agree with, I know I do but instead of bolting I tend to have a few days away from the forum and then come back after having slept on it and cooled off. I have done this on occasion and I know a few others that do so. Just upping and leaving with bad feelings is not the answer and leaves a bad taste on the forum.


This isn't directed at anyone in particular and I hope Jill comes back as she is missed.

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As I CONTINUALLY state in many messages when things get out of hand and in many pm's when a member feels hurt and contacts me. EVERY member is important, EVERY member has something special to add to this forum, EVERY member is valued, EVERY member is cared about, EVERY member is free to voice their opinion (without hurting another) and EVERY member deserves to be treated with respect. I try very my best to see that those things happen.


As Penny said we all have something to contribute, each and every one of us so no one member is more important than any of the others for we are all one big family when combined and I am proud to be one of those members but I find from time to time it is better to walk away and say nothing than say something in the heat of the moment that will later be regretted, we all need a break at one time or another but I wish Jill would come back for her humor is missed.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

You have to respects the feelings of other family members. and we respects your's jilly. we are that kinds of people.

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I am one member who posted on this forum daily. I fazed off the forum because I felt the atmosphere was bad. I did not like the name calling and bickering and what seemed to me people ganging up on one person or other. Forgive me if I Am wrong but that is how is looked. Jess you are so right , this is a feed back section and I hope what gets said is taken seriously. I sent a pm to penny a couple of weeks ago voicing my feelings and as yet have had no reply. This hurt as I have been a very active member for some time.I now feel I am not valued at all so spend my time elsewhere. I also voiced my concerns a good few months back and the post was deleted. Was that not the time for the trouble that was brewing to be delt with. I can still see a few people have problems with each other , it is obvious to such a long time member. Please do not let such a fantastic forum be ruined because of situations being left untill they go too far.

Edited by she
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