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I joined this forum a while ago to get information however I haven't been active as I don't really have a Grey!


Well- that's about to change. I have agreed to adopt a TAG!!! He's about 2 years old and has lived in one home until now. He'll be coming in a few weeks.

The previous owner has said that he's a bit shy around new people. He hates certain shades of green, and that he prefers to meet his toys outside the cage for the first time before they are put in his cage.

His diet is good and he's been very happy in his current home.


His owner tells me that his cage isn't in the best shape and is a bit on the small side. I'm having him come with his current cage but would like to find him something in better shape. I need cage suggestions!! Do I stay with something close to what size he has now? Or do I go bigger? I know usually bigger is better but I'm worried about doing too many changes at once. I'm going to try to keep it the same color.


How to I help with the transition? What can I do to create the least amount of stress? I know Greys are more sensitive to changes.. what can I do to minimize the distress?!

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Aww lucky, lucky you to get yourself a TAG.

The things you discribe seem perfectly normal to me and typical of a grey - except for the dislike of green, I've not heard that one before lol. If it were me I'd be inclined to keep the old cage until he is settled in his new surroundings and only then introduce the new cage, adding it to the room (as with the new toys) so he can comes to accept it "as part of the furniture" and that it's not some massive bird of prey that is going to swallow him :) Then after several weeks (possibly months, you will feel when the time is right) get rid of the old cage and begin using the new one. A similar colour sounds a good idea, I'd go for bigger but not too much bigger.

What is his name? Can't wait to hear of his homecoming and his progress from then onwards. Photos would be much appreciated. ;-)

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Hi thejoie, welcome to the Grey family. I also have a TAG, Ana Grey, she is fearless. I personally like the idea of a new cage for your grey. If you want to get your grey a new one. What is his name by the way? I would get in before your grey comes to your home and put it in the room where your grey will be. That way when you new grey comes home, it will just be a fixture that was always there. I think then the transition will be much easier once he gets use to you and your home. Can't wait to hear more about your grey. So glad you joined the family!

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Congrats Thejoie on becoming a new to your grey owner, you must be so excited

I have to agree with Janet, go ahead and purchase a bigger cage and have it ready for when you bring this grey home for one more new thing won't make that much difference. He will be coming to a new to him home, cage, people and completely new to him surroundings, just talk to him and let him settle into his new home and cage.

Bigger is always better, they need room to be able to open their wings fully and not touch the sides so if you have the space for a larger cage than he now occupies then by all means get him a large one.

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Thanks for all the support everyone! I'm a bit nervous!!! I have a 3 year old Hahns macaw, a 16 year old rescued Red Belly Parrot, 3 Linnies, 3 rescued cockatiels. We're also about to welcome home a baby Cape parrot in a few weeks!


I'm going to start looking around for a cage about 32-36 inches... I'm hoping to find one on CL!! We'll see how that works!

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