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fumigation safety


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Hi all,


I am curious on the opinion/experience of forum members regarding home fumigation and a safe re-entry of the home for our birds. This week we had our home tented and fumigated for termites with Vikane gas. The tent went up on Monday morning, came down on Tues afternoon and they began airing the place. On Wed at 10:30 AM it cleared for reentry (OSHA requires a measurement of <4 parts per million). I did not ask to see calibration records etc of their measuring device but I did go to the house, open many windows and turn on our whole house fan in addition to other local fans in rooms. We let all fans run now since Wed (its now Friday evening) and I am debating if its safe to bring our little grey girl back to the house...Its basically now been 48+ hours of deliberate aerating since the home was cleared for re-entry. Our whole house fan changes the entire air volume in the home about every 20 mins...I think it "should" be safe to return Kip to the house... However, the gas man had to come out to turn the gas to the home back on. He did not know how long its been since the tent was removed but he saw Kips cage and said "you have a bird huh? I would wait several days before moving in, I moved back after fumigation and my birds died". I was not there (wife was) to query him more about his experience, but this kinda freaked me out.


Does anyone here have experience with fumigation and moving back in with your bird you can share?

Edited by dblhelix
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Thanks for the response lovethatgrey. Its has now been more than 48 hrs since the home was cleared and safe for reentry. During that extra 48 hrs we have been running a whole house fan etc as described. So, we effectively have waited more than 2 full days since it was cleared and been running significant fans etc. I realize no one can provide a guarantee, but it seems to me it "should" be safe given the extra margin of time we have already given...that said, I like to err on the side of caution but we cant stay out forever!! I am really interested if anyone here has had their home fumigated and if so what was their experience, how long did you wait before moving in etc? Thanks.

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I wish I could help Mark, but I have no experience with this. I am also not going to post website links referencing this either, because I am sure you have researched he web already and want "True Life Experience". I hope someone with this experience posts. I would like to know the answer as well.


This thread will become a "Sticky" if we have some solid answers to your great questions here. :)

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I know of a couple who purchased a house that wasn't lived in for 5 yrs. It had rodents and roaches. These people owned 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 parrots ( cockatoo---macaw). After fumigation and 3 days of airing it out with fans ( exhaust) they went there and collected the dead rats and as many roaches as could be found. There was quite a few. Then they moved in and the dogs and cats had no problems whatsoever. As far as the birds, they also had a small room that could be closed and they put a small exhaust fan in it for a few hrs. They put the birds in that room for 2 more days. The birds were uncomfortable because they were in a small room and were very agitated. The 2 birds didn't like each other. Both were adults but both suffered no ill effects from the fumigation. After those 2 days, they were brought out, put into their permanent spot and the people kept the birds caged for 2 more days because they wanted to double check that they had found all the rats. They never had any problems other than that the birds were agitated because they didn't have their regular freedom. Fumigation was successful. I hope this may help.

Birds suffered no ill effects. Fumigation was a heavy duty type of method used.

Edited by Dave007
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Thanks all! Well here's the scoop...after studying this, reading many articles, webpages, etc etc I decided that waiting 72 hrs and some change AFTER the home was cleared according to OSHA standards would be about as safe as I could reasonably get. Again, during those 72 hrs we really ventilated the home, running a whole house fan the entire time (1600 cfm), had multiple windows open and other fans blowing in rooms. So this morning I somewhat anxiously brought Kip to the house. Its now been more than 10 hrs and she is doing fine. Singing, grooming, chatting, snoozing on one foot, climbing around, asking to come out, eating all kinds of stuff... I have her in her smaller travel cage not too far from a cracked window. She will stay there a few days as we will run our whole house fan nonstop for a week more, just to be 100% sure there is a constant stream of fresh air. I have never gone through the tenting/fumigation process previously, its a bit of a PIA but in the end the only way to ensure all the termites and other critters you may have are 100% DEAD. Will post up more if I have other related observations to share over the next few days...

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  • 2 months later...

Just a follow up since you had some experience. Now that some time has passed, how'd it all work out? I have 2 Amazons and an aviary full of finches as welcomed guests and aparently a mix of large jawed and tiny unwanted guests.


We're probably going to tent with Vikane, but I'd hate to lose any birds. We lost a canary a few years back to just routine construction dust while we were replacing some sheetrock. :(

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All has been fine since the fumigation. As described, we took some extra efforts and additional days to ventilate AFTER the home was cleared for re-entry according to OSHA and other standards, erring on the conservative side. The experience was a bit nerve wracking since Vikane gas is odorless/colorless etc. They do add a separate chemical (like tear gas) to the Vikane as an agent that should easily be detected by us (cause discomfort) that supposedly dissipates at the same rate as the Vikane. Still, I had fears some gas could remain trapped in wall spaces or cupboards that could cause a problem...fortunately we not had any issues. BTW - my wife was several months pregnant at the time as well and we now also have a healthy/happy infant (7 weeks old)! I do recommend following a program of additional ventilation over and above what the fumigation company will do and after the Vikane gas is confirmed below the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL). Clearly the Vikane/fumigation is most effective to erradicate the termites over other options. Hope that helps.

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  • 1 month later...

We are also going to have fumigation with Vikane. I'd appreciate if you could clarify how long it was after fumigation before you brought your Grey inside. Did you stay away an entire week? We were told we can re-enter on day #4 (if test shows no more than 1ppm). We don't have whole house fans, but can open windows to ventilate. All I've read seems to indicate the Vikane will disappear quickly -- but I don't want to put our Grey at risk.

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