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I went over to see cricket tonite and shes not doing to good. Shes not eatting much.so, im going to go over there if she dont eat in the morn so i can make sure she gets one good feeding in. i cant go twice aday but will go once if needed.cricket likes her new mommy and seems happy but she just isnt eatting good.

jackson is doing good. flying and eatting ok.making lots of noises.

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Do what you can....maybe her momma will give her back to you at least until she fledges...Jay asked me to tell you that both Jackson and Cricket need two feedings a day for at least the next few weeks... Good luck!


P.S. We'll always be here for you....

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thanks so much. im stilll offer 2 feeding to jackson and he will eat maybe 30cc at a time but cricket isnt eatting good at all. the new mommy offers 2 a day also. i told the new mommy that if cricket dont eat good in the morn. i would drive over there at night to feed her its about 20min drive so i can only go one time a day...cricket flew yesterday....i know the new mommy is feeding lots of vegs to her and i took some birdy bread over ther tonite to give her.

jackson is so niose he wants to be in the middle of everything. he dont want to eat bc his scrared that he will miss something.lol.

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