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Issac Week 30 - Fisrt Word\Second Hand


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A little late this week with my posting. Super busy at work because I have been given a new opportunity to develop code for our application, so I have been heads down big time trying to impress.


Anyway, over the last weekend, Issac said his first...welll...second hand word. You see...my Conure says his own name, Pedro in the best way a Conure can I suppose. So yes, Issac picked up on that little one and started repeating this sunday evening. I was laughing quite a bit when he did that. I am hoping that attempting to say Pedro's name will make that connection to him saying words that come from me.


He seems to be slightly less of an attention getter lately. He still loves to perch on my shoulder and preeen away, but he is not interfering with my activities as he typically had. I can get computer time pretty comfortably at home now, (he's on my shoulder now preening). So at the very least, there is a trend toward knowing his boundries for the week.



In case you hadn't caught my drift from past posts, I love this bird so much. He is so my friend and I will stay home on an evening just so he can have out-time. There is nothing like coming home to him. I let him out and tell him how beautiful he is and that I love him. Here are some new pictures of him.





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He seems to be slightly less of an attention getter lately. He still loves to perch on my shoulder and preeen away, but he is not interfering with my activities as he typically had. I can get computer time pretty comfortably at home now, (he's on my shoulder now preening). So at the very least, there is a trend toward knowing his boundries for the week.




As I was reading this I was thinking to myself Murphy has started to be a real attention seeker lately & interfering with my activities, the second I thought it he flew in & landed on my shoulder just as I was having some computer time typing this.........lol


Your weekly updates give me a preview of what's to come :)

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