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So How Was Your Week????

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Everyone is so quiet lately so let's liven things up a bit. What is the most exciting thing that has happened to YOU or your FAMILY this week. Now don't be shy everyone has something that they are excited or proud of so come on let your Grey Family hear about it!


For me it the fact that my 10 year old grandson, Gabriel, tested for and earned his Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do last Saturday. I am so proud of him.


So what is your life like this week?????

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Congrats go to Janet's grandson on his accomplishment, thats wonderful and Cheyenness you have some lovely little cockatiel babies but I cannot think of anything new for me this week other than I have yet to find the owner of the little tiel that landed on my doorstep over a week ago, no one claims it then it is mine, no it has an owner, they just haven't looked good enough is all.

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Congrats go to Janet's grandson on his accomplishment, thats wonderful and Cheyenness you have some lovely little cockatiel babies but I cannot think of anything new for me this week other than I have yet to find the owner of the little tiel that landed on my doorstep over a week ago, no one claims it then it is mine, no it has an owner, they just haven't looked good enough is all.


Ha! It's gonna be yours and you know it

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Congratulations to both Janet's grandson and Cheyenness's tiel and the gorgeous chicks, mum is a lovely-looking tiel so I guess the chicks will grow up to be lovely too.


Like Judy nothing exciting has happened to me or my family this week, we have just come through a pretty stressful time what with one thing and another so I'm pretty happy just that things are beginning to settle down for us.


Hoping for an England win tonight in the world cup and for Andy Murray to do well at wimbledon in the next fortnight beginning Monday. No footy for Jordan as it's end of season and anyway he has a foot injury :(

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I LOve this thread. Thank you luparrots for starting it. Gosh knows we needed some upbeat threads around here.....let's keep the momentum going.


I am still recuperating from my dance recital, nothing too exciting here......except my daughter finally decided to go shooting with us last night. She shot a Ruger Redhawk Talon 22cal and a Glock 26 9 mm. Boy was she accurate! I'm quite proud of her, as my children were brought up to be fearful of guns and even water pistols...:(

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My week was pretty un-eventful! Vets for the dogs Ticks are a big problem for us so it was Lyme boosters for all! and more frontline too! Congradulations on your Gandsons Black Belt! and Cheyeness for your beautiful 'tiel babies :) Talons way to shoot!

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Well, this has been my first week with Spencer (TAG), so it's pretty much been awesome. ;) Especially with him saying "Hello?" to me this morning!


This is also my last week of not training for a marathon - my 16 week program for Chicago starts on Tuesday - so I'm enjoying the rest (and 'free' time) for now.


Otherwise, things have been on a pretty even keel (which is good).


Thanks for asking.

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I'll be running the Chicago Marathon (10/10/2010) and it's televised, but I won't be anywhere near the front-runners they only show. ;) I run about 45% back in my age/gender and usually in the top 1/3 overall, but certainly not elite. It'll be my 4th full marathon (second Chicago). Last one was May 1 and I just ran a half (13.1 miles) this past Sunday for a new PR (Personal Record). It's amazing what we can train our bodies to do. 2 years ago, I couldn't run around my block without stopping. Now I can do 26.2 miles. My wife's a recent runner, too (May 1 was her first full, she really loves half marathons) and our daughter really loves to run, too (has been in 2 kids races so far). Thanks for the interest/awe.

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