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Maybe a new Baby? ;)


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Well I just got the phone call I have been waiting for (well sort of LoL) I might have the opportunity to welcome a Blue & Gold Macaw into my flock ;) Apparently there is an abundance of eggs this year and many are going to need homes :) My cousin, is going to be picking up a few to hand feed ( He has many years of experience) as most of you know, and just wanted to extend the offer to me. So now I am faced with the questions of every new parrot mom.. Can I make time for 2 larger birds? Can I afford 2 large birds.. Will this baby get the best quality of life if he/she is here with me?

James and I had both talked about getting a macaw, when we had first decided that parrots were for us (well I always knew it but it was James that had to be brought to the feathered side) And in doing research, I started looking into Grey's and fell in love instantly, pushing aside my hopes of a Macaw. But here we are again!! and this is a wonderful opportunity probably once in a life time, James is all for it he has been on line checking on toys cages and all things macaw all morning. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning ;) SO please be honest what do you think?? do you think that I can handle another so soon after Rene coming to us? ( the babies aren't hatched yet so it will be awhile for weaning etc)

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OK, so I take it by the lack of response, everyone is telling me this is my decision LOL either that or you think I can't handle it.. Well I am taking it to mean the my decision part ;) Last night I stayed up all night, looking threw videos blogs and books, chat rooms and even forums, to find real down to earth opinions of the BG, and well I think it might be a go. My flock will be complete for awhile as long as I can stay away from the MBS bug LoL. I am going to visit for a while with my cousins Hyacinth, just to get some real world feel for such a large bird..I am searching for cages as we speak, but I think I might do the "side by side" option, just for the size.

This might not even happen there is still not a definite, things can and usually do happen that aren't in my favor so maybe just maybe this will work for me.. Ive got at least 5/6 months till a baby is here so I have plenty of time to prepare :)


Edited by JJsHoney
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I am new here, but here is my 2 cents worth.....


I personally wouldn't go with a side by side cage option. Macaw beaks are large and you just never know what might happen to toes that are peaking through the bars, etc. I had the opportunity to foster a BG many years back. I wish I had adopted him and not just fostered him because I really grew to love that big goof ball. He bonded with me and regurged for me several times a day :eek:


I say that if your both comfortable with the idea, have the time and love to devote to adding another and are financially able, then go for it. BG's are fantastic, lovable fids!

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