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Sick bird and I don't know what to do!


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My grey is acting a bit off. He is lethargic and didt eat his daily peanut- first time ever. When I put him on his play stand he was a bit limp and then on his play stand- did not play just tucked his head and slept- never acted like this when he was not under his blanket at night. Didn't eat his Peanut- and just keeps acting sleepy- I have nevver had a vet for him- he is one- almost. Usually talking a blue streak- not today... what do you think?

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It sounds to me like you better find a vet and quickly, not as active, being lethargic, sleeping a lot and not eating is sure signs he may be ill, we are not vets here and can't diagnose your bird but I would take him in as soon as possible.

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