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Weight of Your Timneh/TAG


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372g for Spencer. Is he fat, or just big-boned? Vet didn't say anything about his weight on Friday.


That is too heavy. regulation size-----305 to 315

slightly heavier boned----325 to 340

large boned-----345 to 355/360

There aren't too many large boned TAGs around tho.


370, 375 is the weight for a small boned CAG

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Yeah, I saw the chart in post #3, which is why I asked. Thanks. I'll bring it up as a question to the vet when I take him back to retry his blood test. I haven't seen a whole lot of TAGs, but of those I have seen, he's big. According to his "baby" records, he'd always been around 350g, except at one point he dropped to 330 when he had a "minor infection." He's not on a junk food diet and he's fairly active, so I'm curious what his blood panel and vet say.

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Dave007... I KNOW, you are very knowledgable, but WHY would you be so " flippant", regarding that post! I took that post seriously, as well as the owner probably did! A few moments of thinking there was something wrong with the bird. Many of us have no idea what a TAG or CAG should weigh. Please remember, people( like myself), look forward to your posts regarding your experience.RESPECT your experience( yourself).Don't take it for granted! Nancy and Sophie

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Probably my bad for reviving such an old thread. I never know which way to go - build off an old thread to consolidate info, or start a new one.


FWIW, the vet said he was a 3.5/5.0 "meaning he can afford to lose a little bit of weight, but he's not "portly" or obese." We're both interested in seeing how his blood panel comes back (retesting Friday).

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Probably my bad for reviving such an old thread. I never know which way to go - build off an old thread to consolidate info, or start a new one.


FWIW, the vet said he was a 3.5/5.0 "meaning he can afford to lose a little bit of weight, but he's not "portly" or obese." We're both interested in seeing how his blood panel comes back (retesting Friday).


Love when older threads are revived, they have many useful pieces of important information! Kudos for you!,

Edited by Talon
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*****Dave007... I KNOW, you are very knowledgable, but WHY would you be so " flippant", regarding that post! I took that post seriously, as well as the owner probably did! A few moments of thinking there was something wrong with the bird. Many of us have no idea what a TAG or CAG should weigh. Please remember, people( like myself), look forward to your posts regarding your experience.RESPECT your experience( yourself).Don't take it for granted! Nancy and Sophie****


First of all, I'd like to thank you for your deep descriptions of me. I think it's wonderful that you've investigated my famous posts in this thread from the past. There's not too many people that would take the time to do that but you're special. I feel so good that you are a true follower. I thank you so very much for that. I really need a sidekick. You deserve better so I just wanna tell you that since you are a true follower of mine, there's many, many past old posts that show my varied statements that covered just about everything. I don't do this for everyone. I believe that you're one of my special followers that should be told about yesteryear. I now realize that you derverve the special treat of my readings. Believe me, I need to give you a special treat. You derverve it. You'll experience the ultimate thrill of my in deep sayings. Where have you been all these years? I could have used you a long time ago but at least I'm lucky now. Oh well, better late than never.


****YES... your right. It was an old post. I am a little slow... and NOT computer smart. I will have to pay better attention to dates. Nancy****


Please, don't worry about it. You'll get it soon enough.


One thing though, I know for a fact that you're getting computer smart ( don't put yourself down) because I know that you've learned that word THANKS next to all posts. So, if you'll go back in time to those posts that you're referring to, you'll see that there were people who said thanks because they enjoyed it so it's a bad idea to state how people felt about those posts(**as well as the owner probably did!**). Sadly, none of us can't read minds. But not to worry. We all make mistakes so just know that I forgive you. I'll take the time to teach you the finer points and art of methods to accomplish this.


Congratulations! Here's to a new fresh start. I look forward to our partnership.

Pass this wonderful post to Sophie.

Just understand that we will conquer!!.

Edited by Dave007
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You know, one of the difficulties with communicating through a forum such as this, is that lacking face to face communication , we often leave room open for misunderstanding. What some people see as humor, others may not recognize and feel hurt. This is especially true for newcomers who may not know the personalities of the contributors to this forum. I am very impressed with the maturity and diplomacy expressed here on grey forums. This is unique in the virtual world, and I am so glad to be a member here. By and large we all seem to be here for the right reasons and respect is the order of the day. Let us continue to be diligent in this regard. So much good is done here, and I have no doubt that many Grey lives are enriched because of it.

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You know, one of the difficulties with communicating through a forum such as this, is that lacking face to face communication , we often leave room open for misunderstanding. What some people see as humor, others may not recognize and feel hurt. This is especially true for newcomers who may not know the personalities of the contributors to this forum. I am very impressed with the maturity and diplomacy expressed here on grey forums. This is unique in the virtual world, and I am so glad to be a member here. By and large we all seem to be here for the right reasons and respect is the order of the day. Let us continue to be diligent in this regard. So much good is done here, and I have no doubt that many Grey lives are enriched because of it.


Thank you for that reminder. We DO have a thread as a sticky named RESPECT. Which clearly states the importance of all you said. Perhaps it should be read as a reminder....

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Why Dave... I am definitely getting computer smart.... as I asked a friend on this site, how to say thanks. She helped me! It is important to " thank people", for their advice. I unfortunately, have to decline your offer of being your " wingman".

After spending my Saturday attending a " seminar", regarding management, I can now understand the pressure you are under, being an administer! You have to bring to the table, " your best!" You have to be the " best of the best!" You can't be rude or condescending. You can't say, what you really feel.You have to set an example.

I am sure my nurse manager, will be dissappointed that I will be declining her offer of entering " management", I can do what I do, and do a good job, with my current status.

I look forward to your thoughts, and expertise. Nancy

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