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Tobie's new video


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That Tobie, what a ham he is, I love how he says "its suppertime" "I love you" and my favorite "Tobie has a little red butt" I tried to get Josey to say Josey has a little red butt but she continually leaves out the red part, thanks for sharing your little entertainer with us Jan.

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Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, I always love Tobies videos. He is always a chatter box and full of surprises.


I laughed out loud when you asked what time is it and he came back with It's Supper Time. Priceless!!


Thanks for the morning smiles and big laugh. :)

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I have to tell you Rene I think has a crush on you Jan, ;) He has been making me repeat your videos since you posted it yesterday LoL, every time you or Tobie speak he repeats what you say or answers it's kinda cute ;) I am working on a video of him responding to you but my house gets silent with that thing is out!!

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