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New TAG owner & new to this site... Figured I would say hello

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Morning everyone or afternoon to all you in the UK,

Just registered and figured I would introduce myself. I just brought home my new baby TAG yesterday evening. Yes he/she is a youngster and unweaned, but we will get to that later. I had wanted a Grey for years and finally things all came together for me yesterday perfectly. Right time, right price, location, financial situation, etc. I brought home my new little 4 1/2 week old TAG. He is so adorable and I love those HUGE feet!! I love the fact that I will be able to be a part of the process of rearing him and watching him grow. Also, I will be able to ensure that he gets a good start in life and gets started on a good diet from a young and impressionable age.

I just want to set your minds at ease here regarding the purchase of an unweaned baby. I am experienced and quite aware of the risks involved with hand rearing. I currently breed and rear several species of small hookbills myself. I am not saying that I know everything, because honestly I don't think anyone could ever possibly know everything..... We all learn something new every day it seems. I will probably have a few questions here and there since this is my first TAG and just wanted to say hello and give you all a brief introduction before I jumped on the forums asking questions :P

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Ah Cheyenness, welcome to our family and the exciting world of the African grey. A TAG is a great choice and you do seem to know what you are doing, however you have a healthy outlook on this responsible job you have taken on. We do try our best not to butt in unless advice is needed (some would say we fail miserably in this at times lol) but we do pester new members for pictures of their gorgeous birds - especially babies so...over to you lol. Seriously if there is anything you do need to know, chances are you will find your answer somewhere on the forum and if not just post and the answers should flow from there.

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WOW! How adorable!!!!! Welcome to our Family. I look forward to hearing more and please keep those pics coming!!


Don't let anyone here scare you off, if they shun you for having such a young baby. You sound like you have lots of experience and will be fine. It's just some of us lack the experience and prefer to wait for a weaned bird. I am happy you have joined us. I LOVE watching the babies grow!! :)

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Hello Cheyenness and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new Tag baby.

You baby grey is so adorable, they are so lovable at this age and I would just like to grab it up and squeeze it.

No I would not attempt to handfeed a baby grey myself but you have experience so you should do fine and I look forward to seeing more as the baby grows for they do so quickly.

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