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OMG Jackson is flying....He started this afternoon and I was making his nite time feeding and he flew into the stove beside me...im really going to have to watch him..his growing up now.

cricket will be going to her new home tomorrow night.Im not to happy about it but her mommy wants her to come home to feed and bond to her.I talked to her for a few days but she wants to take her home.Im very sad and im losing my babygirl.I told her if she needs me or she cant keep her to bring her back.im sorry...i did try.

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What great news that Jackson is flying, put some post -it notes or some window clings to your windows/mirrors so he doesn't fly into them (to much). And we know you did all you could for Cricket and hopefully her new mommy will see how much work it is and will return her to you to finish weaning ;) but keep your chin up, you are a great "foster" parront to Cricket, but some people just don't listen to common sense

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OMG Jackson is flying....He started this afternoon and I was making his nite time feeding and he flew into the stove beside me...im really going to have to watch him..his growing up now.

cricket will be going to her new home tomorrow night.Im not to happy about it but her mommy wants her to come home to feed and bond to her.I talked to her for a few days but she wants to take her home.Im very sad and im losing my babygirl.I told her if she needs me or she cant keep her to bring her back.im sorry...i did try.


You did all you could, Enjoy Jackson. Your friend Jayd

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lol..love it...yes i put a hanging bird over my window..both french door and i have blinds over the windows....so, all window have something...his getting better at this flying thing. his learned to fly to me or around me i should say....

cricket she dont care much yet..she just like sitting in her cage or on top...i have to think good thought about her leaving and hoping that she does everything i tell her. i will be over there checking on cricket and see how she acts ect...i will miss her and loved her as she was my baby first.

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I knew it wouldn't take Jackson long to start flying and Cricket will soon too, remember she is a little younger than Jackson, wow you will have your hands full from now on with Jackson doing aerial manuevers, more pictures please Tanya.

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well,my baby cricket is gone. she left about 30mins ago and im waiting for her to call to let me know how she ate.im so sad and miss her already. it was so hard to watch her leave knowing that she so young.i came in the house and loved on jackson and feed him and told him i was sorry. i put his blanket in his cage and put him to bed.i knew i would be sad but im really sad and my heart is broke...

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Tanya you knew you couldn't keep both of them in the first place but I know it is hard when you handfed it every day and loved on it but do keep an eye on her and make sure she takes proper care of Cricket and its not like you will never see her again, besides how would you have handled two flying greys at the same time, one is a handfull.

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Mama, there's a lot of people on this forum who are raising or have raised a baby Jackson's age.These people can also give you good and wonderful advice also, listen to them, then make up your own mind what you want to do, look how much Judy has helped you, And what about Dave007 and Dan, and Elvinking, and all the other members..... I'll always be here to offer help in any way I can, and so will every one else! Your a good Mama

Love Jayd



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I do listening to everyone who will post...yes judy has been a great help and plus a great friend..i love to hear whats next with jackson....he is into everything now and i love him so.thanks for ur help and ur wonderful friendship....

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