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A Zon !!!


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:rolleyes:With all our own fids and a infinite number of others passing through our house at any given time, why did we pick a Amazon to join our flock? Well,for one thing, you can feed them almost anything, and in return they'll eat, almost anything! You only have to offer them something new, one time, they'll eat it or they won't. You do have to be careful with fat, especially saturated fat, as you know their prone to "Fatty tumors". They can devour a chicken bone as well as a finger or two.

A Amazon is very opinionated, they don't argue, their always right, if they say something, or want something, it's there's.[or so they think!] Unlike a Grey, or some other birds, they can be left alone to their on devices, they'll still be there when you get back! Boy, do they know how to play and climb and get into things they shouldn't, their whole life is centered around playing and eating...

These guys can not only climb and hang, and jump and cling on with one foot, they can run, fast!!! They look like a Vela-Raptor, and if they get over excited, the can bite like one. Give them a branch or a rope, and you'll see them get into the most awkward un-heard of un-believable position you can imagine!!, and laugh, I believe laughing[after screaming] is one of the first sounds they learn!

Sounds, singing, a lot of them rival opera star's, no joke, some of these baby have a vocabulary larger then 650 words, and they learn this on their own. These easy going clowns are wonderful companions, their not Grey's, and I never would give up my Grey's, but if you don't have the time for the needs and demands of a Grey or TOO, or Macaw, and you can't spend the time needed for these other great birds, than look into a Amazon, they still need the same attention and care as these other bird's, but not quite as often, and they require a lot less maintenance!. Opinionated, grouchy sometimes, and arrogant, these Amazons are one wonderful companion to share your life with, and the come in different colors!!!!!:P

Okay, tell us about your Amazon???????????

Edited by Jayd
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OMG!!! You described NILAH to a tee!!! She is always content to play on her own, sings, never yells! But boy, let me tell you, she can run faster than anything, It's a riot to see her take off across the living room floor looking for me. She'll chase after me into the kitchen soooo fast!! ;)

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You have the 'zon birdatude to a tee! Like a cat, they're happy on their own. They'll let you know when they are willing to lower themselves to accept some of your attention! One of the reasons my 'zon and I have been together so long is their independence. I used to travel a lot. Buddy always took it in stride and I sometimes wondered if he even really missed me. He would tolerate pet sitters as a necessary evil that provided 3 squares a day and fresh water. If he was bored, he might deign to talk with them. Mostly he just ignored them. 'Zon's are the cats of the bird world, little people on their own and yes, they can RUN! Usually calling for me as he motors around (even fully flighted, Bud will run, not fly).

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