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Not Parrots but my Backyard birds this year


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I made 2 new nest boxes to replace the old ones from last year. I thought the bluebirds weren't coming this year but they did. The bluebirds showed up and the chickadees too. I also got a surprise. Carolina Wrens showed up . Wasn't expecting them. Now I gotta build a new bluebird nest because the squirrels ruined it. All in all, everything's going along according to plan.


Chickadee Parents with 6 eggs




Chickadee waiting for Male who brings food





Bluebird parents with 5 eggs




Carolina Wren parents with 7 eggs






First baby wren to leave nest



Edited by Dave007
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You are a good man Dave to make those nest boxes for the birds and it helps to provide hours of entertainment watching them come and go, thanks for sharing them with us.

I had a nest of house wrens in one of my hanging baskets but they have all fledged and left the nest, hope they all made it, there was only 3 of them but I watched them from time to time, maybe they will return for a second batch.

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Your bird houses are inspiring Dave. We feed the birds and see lots of them, but have not put out any nesting boxes. That will have to be a priorty by next spring. I keep the squirrels busy with battery operated spinners on the squirrel proof feeders. They are incredibly clever. They are taking the springs off the other type feeders that close off the seed from the weight of the squirrel. When the squirrel guard gets stuck, the little birds land on the window frames and peck on the glass.

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